Day 188

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Let GOD be the object of your WORSHIP.

Today, who is the object of your worship? A lot of us draw more attention to "idols". The truth is, we must first recognize our idols in life. Some of us may claim none, some many while others they don't bother or they don't know who or what is their idol. There are things in life that we value more than Jesus, that's reality and that is the time we can conclude that many things influences our decisions in life, not anymore holding on to God, not anymore in firm faith with the belief of God.

Who is God in your life? What is the real score between You and God? Is he just a nobody? No he is not just a nobody, he is more than anything in this world. He is your true love, the man who saved your life, the man who loves you more than anything or anyone. There is only one who deserves to be worshiped and praised and that is God alone. "God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth." (John 4:24 ESV).We may give importance more on our girlfriends, boyfriends, movies, hobbies, knowledge, our career, our jobs, books, material possessions, and others but the truth is our affection plus devotion to God is more important. He deserved it, so now realize it.

What is your worship motives? Do you do it just for a show? Are you exalting more of you, your name than God? Now is the time for you to realize it: "Let God be the object of your worship" not the world tells you to do or to love but God alone. Have a quiet time with God, talk to him in prayer, tell him what is your true motives in worshiping him. Tell also others about the true essence of worship. You don't worship just to see others how spiritual you are, our God knows the motives of our hearts. You can't deceive God just by saying "I LOVE GOD" but not living accordingly in his ways. Don't fool yourself, repent to God, have a relationship with him, give up your idols and turn to God. God wants you, all of you, not a bit but all of it.


Lord Jesus, I dedicate myself to worship you now and forever. I can't serve two masters at the same time and I'm willing to give up everything just for you. Amen.

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