Day 26

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With God all things are POSSIBLE.

They say, it's very impossible for someone to reach his goal if its too big. They're wrong,with God all things are possible. Even if we die as long as we have faith in God till the very end, he will give us eternal life. Just take a glimpse of people who have incurable diseases but with the grace of God, he healeth thee. Even the most renowned doctors and scientist couldn't explain God's miracle. Yes they have extensive studies about the things in this world but when it comes to God, all we could ever exclaim is his greatness. When you feel that your dream is impossible to reach, think about God and let him rule your life. He leads you where he wanted you to go. All things are POSSIBLE with HIM, nothing is impossible for him because the word IMPOSSIBLE simply says that "I'm Possible!".


Lord God, thank you for making things possible. I ignite in your glory and I will never ever let myself weaken by my own thoughts, I know I can make things happen when I'm with you. Amen.

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