Day 80

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Your life trials is a blessing in disguise from God. Tell your story to help others.

Every people, in every race and ethnicity, every color, every gender, every human being have their own testimonies in life. It may be as painful as we ought to think, it may be like a movie in theaters where we play the main protagonist with antagonist, the plot may be so complicated, the struggles may seem so horrible, the experiences we had seem so unbearable but Alas! it happened because of a purpose, it happened for a reason. Isn't it amazing to share your own testimony to others bearing witness that JESUS CHRIST is working in your life?

God created life not because he wanted to punish us with those tragic scenarios in our existence. Some live happily, while some are not, some live peacefully, some live in war. God doesn't want to see us that way--- in pain, in hunger, in grief and in turmoil, there's a reason behind those things. Instead of blaming him for all the tragedies in the world, why not declare his goodness among people around you? Our life trials is a blessing in disguise from our creator, we may never understand his beautiful ways but he is indeed good. If you read the bible there are a lot of testimonies written whom their lives are changed because of God, you too can be a living testimony with God.

Our testimonies in life is a powerful tool to help others,Paul, a disciple of Christ advice us: "Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me his prisoner: but be thou partaker of the afflictions of the gospel according to the power of God" (2 Timothy 1:8-KJV). No matter how painful your testimony is, no matter how hard, no matter how you fall or no matter how you get back again, no matter how much you suffer, you stumble, no matter how short or long, no matter how rich or poor you are, remember that by the grace of God he let you through it because he knows in the very first place that you can overcome all challenges in life. Take time to share your story to others and be glad to know that atleast one person will gonna hear it, cause we are created by God to have a relationship, we are created to be a listener, we are created to voice out the truth and by the power of Jesus, we remain victorious in him. Remain in him and have faith, honor him. Don't be afraid to tell your testimony to others, help others. How about you? what's your testimony? Share testimony throughout his word.


Lord Jesus, devastate us in your presence and thank you for living in me. In the midst of congregation I proclaim your greatness. Thank you for making me a living testimony for you, I promise to share it with others. Amen.

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