Day 63

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Don't follow your feelings, follow what God has to say and Pray.

Everyone of us has feelings of our own,but sometimes those feelings overpower what God really wanted in our lives. Sometimes, throughout the day we always follow the desires of the flesh, the desires of the world not anymore holding on or putting God's word heart to heart. If we truly love him we must keep his commandments (John 14:15) not making our own commandment.

Remember that he is the reason that's why we are saved and redeemed. Our God is awesome, our God is always greater. Don't follow your feelings anymore, If we also read the story of Jacob and Esau (Genesis 27), Jacob stole Esau's blessings, Isaac bestow blessings to his two sons but Jacob pretended to be Esau. Jacob and Rebekah plan to deceive Isaac. Isaac then assumed that the hairy man that he is holding is Esau but his voice is same with Jacob. He discerned Jacob, he trusted what he felt. Just like what happened to Isaac, feelings can deceive us, he felt it was Esau but it wasn't Esau and it made Esau angry for his brother but thank God they are reconciled in the end.

Our decisions in life must be rooted in God not sometimes, but always. Pray that God will guide you along your journey,change the way you think and transform your filthy and unworthy thoughts. It is normal to feel, to think, to speak but is is more joyful that what comes your feelings, what comes from your thoughts or whatever you utter will glorify and magnify the greatness of our Lord and comes only from him.


Lord Jesus, thank you for coming in to me, I am revived by your unconditional love. I'll follow your words and I will not abide in my feelings but abide in you. Amen.

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