Day 210

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My life is not perfect but I am blessed.

There is no perfect life, perfect person, perfect family, perfect career, perfect job, perfect everything. Even the rich is not perfect, yes they may have everything but they also feel emptiness too that money can't buy. The poor also is not perfect, some wanted the rich life but some are contented for what they have. We are not born to be perfect, we are all imperfect. Everyday tell yourself that it's okay not to be perfect. Don't strive to be perfect, don't pressure yourself to be what others wanted you to be instead abide always in the loving presence of the Lord. Sometimes we are being mocked, bullied because of our imperfections but you are very blessed by a perfect God, your creator, the reason for your existence. Stand up and bless those who mistreat you. Even if you feel so ugly today AND FEEL SO IMPERFECT, you are BEAUTIFUL and HANDSOME in God's sight because it's his heart who beats in yours where love resides.

We are all blessed by God with spiritual gifts, talents, each of one may vary from person to person, meaning, while others can't paint, others can. Others have excellent academic records while others don't have any. We are not perfect, so it's okay not to be one. Others experience calamities, others live well. See? life is not perfect after all? We sometimes utter, "Lord, Life is so unfair!", life is really unfair if you focus on the negative side, each one of us may brag about how rude life is, why we can't get what others can, why can't we be like him, like her. Learn to appreciate the "LOVE" God has given you , his ways are perfect and just. Imagine? you are dearly loved by a loving God, YES, you are imperfect but be thankful always to God for forgiving you despite of the shortcomings you commit upon him. Everyday tell yourself: "MY LIFE IS NOT PERFECT BUT I AM BLESSED, JESUS IS WITH ME, HAKUNA MATATA".

"For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong." (2 Corinthians 12:10)


Lord Jesus, I don't have everything that I want but it's you whom all I need and I am thankful that I am very blessed. Amen.

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