Day 160

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Humility is the opposite of Pride.

What's humility? It is a quality of a person of being humble not thinking that he or she is not above among others. Humility before God means submission in his divine grace. Are you using humility today?

In the Bible, there's a parable about a humble heart and a heart full of pride, It can be found in Luke 18:9-14 entitled "The Parable of the Pharisees and the Tax Collector". Tax collectors use their position to cheat in biblical times. Pharisees on the other hand are members of the Jewish act, who are hypocrite religious leaders and self righteous. Jesus was very dismayed in the Pharisees because they don't lead right and they don't do their work heartily, they appear to do right but deep inside Jesus wanted them to have a right attitude in their hearts. Sometimes it is easier for us to find faults among others rather than correcting ourselves. The Pharisees by that time sees only the sin of the tax collectors and forgot to reflect in their own sin. We are like the Pharisees today, we blame each other, find fault to one another and then in the end we hurt each other. Humility is not anymore applied. This is not the way Jesus wanted for us to act, instead he wanted us to submit fully to others and to him, that is true humility. The tax collector in the parable had a resentful heart, and even admitted that he sinned. He even ask God for forgiveness while the Pharisee had a proud heart and thinks that by tithing and fasting he will appear to be good before God. He never admit that he was sinful, and in the end the tax collector had a real relationship with God not the Pharisee.

Which one are you? the Tax collector or the Pharisee? Brothers and Sisters in Christ, OUR HEARTS SHOULD BE FILLED WITH HUMILITY JUST AS LIKE THE HUMILITY OF THE TAX COLLECTOR SHOWED. Teach other the true essence of humility, humility before God. It's not wrong to repent, but true relationship with God is when we tell God how sinful we are and we transform ourselves to follow his own will not ours. Be willing to admit that you sin today, don't be afraid to say sorry to God. Stop acting self righteous, stop the hate, stop the judging, don't be like the Pharisee , be like God wanted you to be.


Lord Jesus, I want to say sorry if sometimes I acted like a pharisee. I have no right to judge anybody and I have no right to look others down. Sorry Lord if sometimes I disrespect, I repent to you all the sinful acts I have done. Forgive me and thank you for teaching me what true HUMILITY is. Amen.

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