Day 83

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God's plan for you is worth waiting for. Don't rush and hurry God.

In the dictionary "Rush" means to move with an urgent haste. Are you rushing things lately?

There's no need to rush things in life. If you rush to get married, to get a job, to earn a degree, to graduate without consoling first to God, everything is not okay because you are just following your own will. Some of us today rush to get married but end up being separated, being broken. Some engage in PMS and end up in aborting babies. Some rush to get a job without even praying and asking God his assistance, some make more money and money but in the end wake up being lonely because they don't value the essence of being contented with what God has given them. Some rush to get a degree but in the end pulling others down and practice crab mentality. Is this the way you wan't to live? Some things in life are worth waiting for, if we are just patient enough for all the plans God has given us, everything will be okay. All the pain we have is just temporary, if we had God along the way, if we accompany God for all his plans in us, if he let you wait then be still because he has something greater for you. It may take a very very hard road to get there, but I tell you it's worth it, God is worth it, we all worth it. Being excited about something is not enough. You must also know what you are doing. Don't rush into something, or you might do it wrong. (Proverbs 19:2 ERV). Don't rush things, let things happen in God's time, learn to be patient, pray, love and rejoice even if the battle weve been facing is tough.


Father in Heaven, thank you for telling me not to rush things in life, my life is in control with you, you are the driver and I'm the passenger, lead me Lord to the way that you wanted me to be. Amen.

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