Day 145

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No family is perfect.

According to the websters dictionary a family is a social unit consisting of parents and their children. No family is perfect nowadays, some have houses but they don't a home. A house is just a building and inside the house is a family that build together their "HOME".

In a family, we are all acquainted that love must be shared in each one of us, that understanding in each family member is there. A family that prays together stays together but if one family member failed to show love and understanding, there comes a point where our parents misunderstood each other because the other is not contented with the other. Some commit adultery which results to broken home. We are very high in pride and we don't know how to lower ourselves when we argue with one another. Never argue with your spouses, it's okay to argue but too much wars and fighting in the home will cause into a mass destruction. Furthermore, shouting and quarrels must be done privately among parents, rather than shouting and throwing off things publicly. Your children will hear you and sadly watch you, the beating, the holding of knife, the punching. It has psychological effects to the children if we use domestic violence. Broken family is a result of broken relationships. Always remember that God created us for relationships, he don't desire for us to have broken homes, but if you are belong to this kind of family don't be afraid to go to God for comfort, In Revelation 21:4 - God's comforting words goes like this --"And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away."

God will restore every broken relationships in the world. Do your part also, like be influential among your siblings, share God's word. Nothing is impossible with God. Everybody desires a happy home and a happy life, but life is not perfect, our family will experience ups and downs. Let us receive each other, let us comfort one another for God. God desires unity among families. Build each other in love, respect, show care among siblings, be always accountable if they need and seek help from you. Help other people not only your family but all to walk with God. Perfect family don't exist but we have a heavenly father who will always be our lover. "For we know that if the tent that is our earthly home is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens." (2 Corinthians 5:1 ESV).


Lord Jesus, even though my family isn't perfect, thank you for guiding me and giving me wisdom. My heart is overwhelmed by your comfort. We are broken but then you put back all our broken pieces so that we may be able to stand up once again. Amen.

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