Day 97

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Keep your heart spiritually recharged and keep your life passionate for God.

It is a reminder for each one of us that we should set our hearts in seeking the Lord. We are likened to a cellphone, when over used becomes lowbat,and to be able to function again, it needs to be recharged over and over again. Same with our life, our body,our flesh and soul will easily be wilted but when we take a rest, take a deep breath, we are new again, we go on with our life again.

Sometimes we forget to meditate,we forget to read the bible,we missed out going to church, fellowship and Godly gatherings, and in times like this we can say that we are spiritually weak. We often asked "Lord, come to me! I want to feel you,but why I'm so tired,why do I feel this way,I don't want to go to church, my body is willing but my flesh is weak. I find it too tiring to read my devotionals, I'm tired of sharing your word,could you please let me take a rest? I am exhausted, I am very sad, I find it very upsetting when I can't finish a chapter in the bible and a whole lot more". Sometimes we make evil things too because our hearts are not set before God. We have a lot of excuses, we always complain but behind all those things God still loves us so passionately. So for us to stop thinking that way, we should always remember that despite of being an imperfect human, we are eminently loved by our lovely creator.

Our heart really matters when it comes to being passionately in a relationship with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Each may have different characters, different upbringing, different race,sex and gender but in the eyes of God, what truly matters is our desire to follow him, our desire to have that intimate relationship with him. Do you need to be spiritually recharged today? Does your heart beats for our Lord more and more and with passion? Jesus is our ultimate heart surgeon, he can change our hearts and read what's on our mind.

Even if we have billions of excuses in hearing, listening, meditating,following his words, God still accepts us no matter what. Everyone of us must do him a favor and that little favor is to seek him ,to have faith in him, to trust him. God is our doctor, he is our spiritual surgeon. It isn't that much right? to seek him passionately? but for God, it matters. Turn yourself to be like him, be passionate even if you think you're too tired. Don't be wimpy for the Lord, instead be BRAWNY. We are the cellphone and God is our battery charger. God will spiritually recharged you if you let him make the charger of your life.

A passion for Jesus comes from knowing in our hearts that he defeated death and will be forever alive. Make at least a bible passage reading a day, have a spiritual encounter with him. He pierces our hearts with his truth. Purify your heart. Treat God as your best-friend.Remember a cellphone is empty without a charger,without being recharged. Like us, we are empty without him. "And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passion and desire." (Galatians 5:24 ESV).


Lord Jesus, I desire to passionately be in a relationship with you. Even if I made a lot of excuses,I'm sorry for the things that I've done which Is shouldn't. Lord you are my the remedy of my spiritual battery. Amen.

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