Day 185

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Do your best to reach what is ahead.

We cannot claim to ourselves that we already succeeded in life. As a child of God , we strive to win the prize which Jesus has already won us to himself. We should run straight toward the goal, and that is to follow God's will not our own. Let us go forward to God's direction, not ours. Let us imitate God, pay attention in his teachings and bless others. All of us must be spiritually mature because they are many out there who live as enemies of Christ. Don't hold on to the things that belong to the world, give it up for God. We as citizens of heaven must eagerly wait for our personal Lord and Savior which is Jesus Christ. Do your best while you are still alive on earth, show and tell others about God. Your life, your body and soul belongs to the Lord "He will change our weak bodies and make them like his own glorious body, using the power by which he is able to bring all things under his rule." (Philippians 3: 21 TEV)


Father in Heaven, I will run with faith towards the goal which is your call through Christ Jesus to the life above. Amen.

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