Day 65

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Don't settle to be an Immature Christian grow up in the Lord to be a Mature Christian.

We always boast to ourselves that we are proud to be Christians, we do good deeds, good works, have faith, always go or not to go in church, gatherings, attend fellowships, read the bible, meditate on the word of God but sometimes we forget to examine fully ourselves if we really grow in the Lord. If God's spirit really lives in you and in us, we must always try to console ourselves "Lord, Am I growing with you?" because their are times that we look upon ourselves as wise enough to know the bad and the good, but in the end forgetting the real essence of growing spiritually in Christ, always remember that "God traps the wise in their cleverness". We should not go on this way, we are fooling ourselves, we are so immature, living out in our own selfish ways. Before accepting Jesus as our Personal Lord and savior, we could not hide the fact that we are still immature to know the truth and that truth, that way and that life is "HIM".

Moreover, now that we accepted him and little by little knowing him, it is our choice to grow spiritually in him or not. It is God's will for men and women to grow anyway. As the scripture says "Brothers, do not be children in your thinking, Be infants in evil, but in your thinking be mature" (1 Corinthians 14:20).

A Mature Christian abide in Christ, while an Immature Christian abide in the worldly things. A Mature Christian abides in Godly wisdom, and not what the people and the world dictates him/her. A Mature Christian counsels in the Holy Spirit first (which is given by God), and confer the bible for spiritual truth in doing actions. Are you willing to grow in the Lord?


Lord Jesus, let me grow in you. You are my saving grace, I abide in your wisdom, I abide in your ways. Mold me into a matured Christian. Mold me in your love. Thank you Lord. Amen.

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