Day 78

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We are new creatures in Christ. Learn from what happened in the past.

"Past is past"- this is a common saying most of us use when it comes to our past. Wreck-less, lost, filthy, murderer, thief, backstabber, loner-- these are some of labels being put in us in the past but it doesn't mean that the labels define us. We are glad to know that even if we are so filthy sinners before, GOD doesn't look at us as useless instead he look at us in a lovingly way, he has bundles of forgiveness, grace and mercy.

What people may know about you is not the whole story, they judge according to flesh but God has the only right to judge us. When we receive God heartily, we are new in him, the old is gone the new is come. But, it doesn't mean that what happened in the past stays in the past, learn from your mistakes in the past, we are not perfect that's why we commit mistakes but it doesn't mean that we keep on doing the same mistakes again in the present, it's a caution for us not to do it again, and if we ever do it again, we feel very sorry but learn again because we aren't perfect creatures. Make peace with your past so that it will not ruin your present, without the past we have no map in the present and future. But don't dwell anymore in the mistakes in the past, God already corrected it for you so that you can move on and have a blissful present. Making mistakes is part of growing up, "Indeed, we all make many mistakes. For if we could control our tongues, we would be perfect and could also control ourselves in every other way." (James 3:2 NLT)


Father in Heaven, thank you for telling me to appreciate the things in the past, I will not dwell in the past anymore instead I choose to move forward and live the way you wanted me to be . Lead me Lord. Amen.

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