Chapter 1

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At night in Ningcheng, the bright lights were dazzling. The bar street area was extremely lively. Groups of people passed by one after another. In the midst of the fun and laughter, a tall and slender figure appeared particularly prominent.

Lin Yan's steps were wobbly and a bit unstable. He held the wall and gasped slightly, his narrow eyes full of the confusion of alcohol. People passed by. Occasionally, someone couldn't help taking a look at this face a few more times but no one went up to ask. In this neighborhood, there were countless young people like Lin Yan who were drunk every day. People had long been used to it.

At this time, Lin Yan felt heat surging in his head again and again. He felt very uncomfortable. He took a few breaths and swayed as he tried to get up. Just as he turned around, he happened to bump into the person coming out of the bar next door.

Under the influence of alcohol, Lin Yan's temper had been magnified by several times. He abruptly raised his head and pointed his hand at the tip of the other person's nose. "I say, you..."

His words stopped abruptly when he saw the other person's face.

The man was dressed in black and the neon lights and shadows seemed to condense around him. Right now, his brow was slightly furrowed but it didn't destroy the visual sense of the perfect facial proportions.

The person walking behind him had originally followed him out. Now they stopped and were looking between the two people with interest.

The man didn't seem accustomed to being pointed at like this. His eyes slightly lowered as he asked, "Is there something?"

Even his voice had a unique texture. Lin Yan lost his voice after hearing the question. He stared at this dreamy face and suddenly reached out to grab the man's sleeve. "Tell me, why did you reject me?"

It was the live questioning of a heartless man.

The man, "......"

The person behind him couldn't help laughing. "What is this situation?"

If anyone in their circle saw it, they would probably all recognize this face. BK's captain Jing Yuanzhou and a phenomenal player in the Burning Hot League, Titans.

He was a presence who just needed to show his face in front of the camera to make the fans scream.

In normal times, it was hard to imagine Jing Yuanzhou would appear in the bar street when he lived a moderate lifestyle. However, there were some unpleasant movements in the club recently. The vice-captain Ku Tianlu brought people out to reason with him and to relax. Unexpectedly, he encountered this drunk shrimp on the way home.

Ku Tianlu looked surprised. "Captain, since when did you have such a love debt?"

Jing Yuanzhou's thin lips pressed together tightly. He was too lazy to explain but he quickly took two steps forward, wanting to keep a distance from the drunk stranger. However, Lin Yan's eyes were always focused on Jing Yuanzhou's body. The moment Jing Yuanzhou made a move, Lin Yan unknowingly took two steps forward. As a result, his feet were soft and he staggered directly forward.

There was a sudden impact and Jing Yuanzhou was abruptly pressed against the wall.

The other person's breath was filled with the extremely light smell of alcohol and long and narrow eyes stared at Jing Yuanzhou. Lin Yan suddenly reached out his hand and gently squeezed Jing Yuanzhou's chin, his tone like a cat. "Be obedient and come back with me."

Before this, who would've thought there would be a day when the dignified God Jing would have liberties taken with him on the side of the road by a drunkard. Taking into account his own safety, Ku Tianlu covered his mouth tightly and didn't laugh.

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