Chapter 34

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The recording of the show had progressed this far and the remaining four teams were QU, IBB, KON and GH.

Among them, QU and IBB were both top teams in the secondary league and were basically just one step away from the professional league. In terms of strength, they weren't on the same level as the other four teams that had been eliminated.

In contrast, KON was a bit weaker but the performance of this middle-ranked team was often linked to their state on the day. It wasn't guaranteed that they wouldn't suddenly perform abnormally on the spot. This unknown factor was why they became a dark horse in the season.

Generally speaking, the second half of the variety show was much more serious than the previous episodes. It was precisely in consideration of the fierce battles that would occur in the next phase that the program had arranged a special event between the two phases of elimination. They would use an entertainment game to relieve the tension.

There was nothing wrong with this arrangement. The key problem lay in the coach mixing in with the players. This was obviously very unfriendly to Lin Yan's special situation.

After getting out of the car, the GH team followed the staff to the lounge to do styling. Lin Yan let the stylist casually fiddle with him. Then he took a pack of cigarettes, stuffed it into his pocket and turned to walk out.

After a while, Jing Yuanzhou also stood up. Once the door of the lounge shook and closed again, the people who were left behind couldn't help exchanging looks.

"I say, do you think the appearance of the captain and the coach is a bit strange?" Jian Ye might have the appearance of a tough guy but his mind was extremely sharp. He raised his eyebrow and wondered, "Is it so serious? Is there a problem with the funds of our club?"

Luo Mo was the manager of the team and had stayed to monitor the styling situation. Now he couldn't help spitting out, "Don't say unlucky things!"

How could it be so easily broken when backed by the capital chain of the Lin Group?

Gu Luo instinctively made a connection with an emotional problem but he considered his own survival and didn't dare say anything. He lowered his head and just fiddled with his phone.

Bi Yaohua glanced around and sighed quietly. "In short, the captain said it before. Today, we will be quiet and won't make the coach angry."

Chen Yushen's lips twitched. "...Brother Trash Talk, you can be quiet first."

The conversation in the lounge was blocked by the closed door. The corridor outside was quiet. Lin Yan leaned against a corner wall with a cigarette in his mouth. He raised his head when he heard the sound of footsteps and saw Jing Yuanzhou who had followed him. He couldn't help smiling. "Why are you chasing me so tightly? Are you afraid I can't do it?"

He might have been a bit upset but his expression was casual. It was obvious that his mentality adjustment wasn't bad.

Jing Yuanzhou saw this expression and guessed the final decision. "Are you ready to play?"

"Or should I tell the program's staff that we won't participate in the entertainment game?" The smoke blew out as he spoke. "The liquidated damages and other things are trivial but this variety show is originally the best shot for GH to gain attention. If we participate in one less event then it is unknown how many shots we will lose. The loss is too big!"

Then he sighed emotionally. "If someone tells me to let go like this then I am really reluctant."

Jing Yuanzhou asked, "What about you?"

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