Chapter 121

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Lin Yan's kiss was passionate and direct, with the faint taste of beer. It seemed to be amplified several times by the background sound among them. For the first time, Jing Yuanzhou had the feeling of becoming dizzy from a kiss.

His sense of reason reminded him of the environment but a man's instincts kept him wanting more. In the end, his eyes completely sank. He turned over and pinned Lin Yan under him instead. The relationship of demand was reversed.

The kiss between the two men was unprecedentedly long, so long that the other people present had the illusion of suffocation.

The GH players always had an unspoken understanding about the relationship between their coach and captain but they didn't expect the two people to be so vigorous when coming out of the closet. Shouldn't they think about what these young people could handle?!

Gu Luo had reached up early to cover his eyes, leaving only one crack between a finger to dimly see. He secretly swallowed. "That... isn't it a bit too much for the captain to be like this with the coach?"

Chen Yushen cocked his head. "Really..."

Bi Yaohua shook his microphone and couldn't move his eyes away. "Don't say anything else, this is really stimulating. It is even more exciting when seeing it up close!"

Jian Ye finally found his voice and hesitantly asked, "Cough, do you think... we will be killed if we keep looking like this?"

This was the first time Luo Mo had seen his boss so enthusiastic. He was used to Lin Yan's indifferent attitude of rejecting others in the past and was in a trance for a long time. It wasn't until Jian Ye's sentence that he finally remembered. He hurriedly picked up a pile of coats from the sofa and accurately threw them over the faces of the group one by one. "What are you looking at? Aren't you going to turn around quickly?"

Perhaps the words 'will be killed' was too much of a deterrent. Everyone turned around in a neat and unified manner.

By the time Jing Yuanzhou got up, there were only churning emotions in his eyes. He looked around at the people who were completely covered by coats and rubbed his lips with his fingers. His voice was suspiciously low and hoarse. "Keep singing your songs and don't worry about us."

The response to him was a strange silence. It wasn't that they didn't want to reply. It was just that after experiencing such a scene with excessive impact, they really didn't have the heart to happily sing karaoke. There was no reply for a long time. Jing Yuanzhou's eyes lowered slightly and an inquiring voice came out. "Hmm?"

Bi Yaohua pulled the coat off his head and cooperated by saying, "Gun, help me book the song 'Beijing Welcomes You'!"

Jian Ye's mind also returned. "Ah, yes."

Before he could reach the song selection machine, he inadvertently looked up and saw Lin Yan, who had previously been pushed down onto the sofa by Jing Yuanzhou, sitting up. The moment the coach looked back, the fingers that remained as steady as a rock while playing the game started to shake uncontrollably.

On the other hand, Lin Yan didn't seem to notice the weirdness of the atmosphere. After the deep kiss that lasted too long, his face was covered with redness. The somewhat dim light fell around him and his eyes were filled with a dizzying intoxication. The finished beer can had fallen beside him and the entire space had the lingering smell of alcohol.

Lin Yan sat in place and stared at Jing Yuanzhou, his eyelids slightly lowered. He seemed to be thinking seriously before asking blankly, "Jing Yuanzhou, are we considered being together?"

He asked this sentence very softly but everyone's hearts tightened when they heard it. There were a few words that repeatedly echoed in their minds—we will be killed to be silenced, killed to be silenced, killed to be silenced...

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