Chapter 189: Extra Two

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The last semi-final match ended. The entire stadium became a sea of cheers for fans of the South Korean division but no one noticed the losing team's bleak exit. PAY boarded the business car and headed back, the vehicle immersed in a depressed atmosphere the entire way. Everyone knew very well that the end of today's match meant their captain would officially retire.

After experiencing such a tense match, DeMen's face was inevitably filled with fatigue. He wanted to say something to invigorate the atmosphere but he felt it would just increase sentimentality. In the end, he still didn't say anything.

No matter what, losing was losing. At the same time, his career had ended. According to the original plan, he would terminate the player contract with the club, officially quit the e-sports circle and return to the life ordinary people should live.

DeMen let out a long sigh. He glanced at the person next to him and felt a dull feeling in his heart again. Since the end of the match, the jungler demon king had been silent like he was now. It was precisely because DeMen knew how much AI cared that he didn't know how to open his mouth.

They were silent all the way back to the hotel and the other three members of PAY went back to their rooms. Their journey in the World Competition was officially over. After booking the tickets, they were ready to return home.

The moment he entered the room, DeMen noticed the man behind him head to the bathroom and close the door. He shook his head and didn't go to ask. Just like when he was idle in the past, he started to clean up the messy room.

Looking at AI's invincible appearance on the field, it was absolutely impossible to imagine that this jungler demon king was an absolute life idiot in private. In addition, AI didn't like to let others touch his things. When staying in a hotel, he didn't even use the cleaning service so it could be imagined how messy his room was when he lived alone.

In fact, DeMen had a bit of a cleanliness habit. He didn't know how it happened but he became used to the existence of such a messy AI. DeMen thought of this and his actions paused slightly. So who would clean it up in the future?

By the time AI came out of the bathroom, the messy hotel room was restored to its meticulous appearance. The familiar figure in front of the closet was still busy. He placed the last piece of clothing in the last place and slowly closed the zipper of the suitcase.

DeMen didn't hear any movement behind him. He turned around with the suitcase and noticed the figure standing there. He paused before smiling. "Have you finished washing?"

AI didn't answer. His gaze fell on this natural looking face for a long time and his already gloomy expression sank even more.

DeMen waited a while but there was no response. He was ready to open his mouth again when AI suddenly walked over and grabbed the suitcase in his hand. This sudden move narrowed the distance between the two of them.

DeMen was obviously a bit surprised. Then he saw AI push his suitcase into the corner silently and found this type of childish behavior amusing. "What's the matter?"

AI stared at DeMen for a long time before whispering, "Are you really leaving?"

The expression on DeMen's face slightly froze at the words. He knew this topic couldn't be avoided directly and sighed as he got a headache. "Didn't I say it already?"

The corners of AI's lips lowered a bit more and he didn't speak.

DeMen felt helpless every time he encountered an attitude like AI's.

He didn't even notice it but his tone became lighter in an instant. "You should've felt it too. The influence of age is really great. In my current state, it is indeed not suitable to continue playing professionally. Take today's match as an example. There were several times in the middle when I didn't grasp the key rhythm point. You created enough opportunities for me but there is no way I can continue with my side lane duties."

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