Chapter 71

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At 7 p.m., the GH training room was lit up. Lin Yan had previously mentioned the LDF appointment with the players but everyone was still a bit surprised after the formal training process was confirmed. In particular, Gu Luo.

Under his special care, his granny gray hair almost became bald. "Coach, do you really want me to play solo against Luni?"

He had played against Luni during the recording of the variety show and it had ended in a loss. Now that he had such an opportunity, he knew that Lin Yan must've put a lot of effort into it. He might be eager to try it but he was worried.

After all, they would start the formal training game after the solo game. This meant that his match against Luni would be played in front of all the players of both teams. In a way, the outcome was likely to affect the momentum of the next training match. It mattered a lot so it was difficult not to be nervous.

"What's so hard to believe?" Lin Yan glanced at Gu Luo's unpromising appearance. "You not only have to fight but also have to win. Go to the bathroom and look in the mirror. Come back after you can control your expression."

Gu Luo looked bitter as he replied, "Oh..."

He left the training room very obediently. He came back from the bathroom and there was a thin layer of moisture on his face. He had obviously washed his face but his expression was a lot more relaxed than before. It seemed he had found a way to control his tension.

Lin Yan was finally satisfied. Just then, a message arrived from Luni and he clapped his hands. "They are ready to go online. It's about to begin."

According to the previous appointment, there would be the solo match first before the training match. Luni was a man of his word. He soon opened a custom room to pull Gu Luo in. He also offered to play three straight games directly. In this way, they could directly enter the training match after the solo match was over. This avoided the trouble of switching between two different types of competition.

Lin Yan naturally had no opinion on this.

The rest of GH didn't bother to take up some of the spectator seats in the custom room. They simply stood behind Gu Luo and watched the battle in real time. A circle was formed in the blink of an eye.

Gu Luo who felt the gazes behind him, "......"

The fingers on the mouse shook slightly. He slowly breathed out, trying to relax as much as possible. Once the map was completely loaded, the roles of both parties quickly refreshed at the resurrection point.

Since Lin Yan had mentioned it, Luni didn't dare do anything casually in order to ensure the quality of the training games that followed. In the first solo game, he took the blue witch he was more skilled at. This hero was currently one of the solo heroes with the highest playing rate in the professional league. The main reason was her strong field control role in team battles.

Since the first to fourth skill were all control skills, she was dubbed by players as the 'controller girl' who 'is control all over.' If there was anything wrong with this blue witch, it was that she lacked too much in mobility. Her four control skills caused the blue witch to not have any displacement skills. This obviously compromised her survivability.

It was precisely due to this reason that there were only two situations when the blue witch faced an assassin type hero. One was to play the assassin to death using various control skills. However, if the assassin got close then she would be violently killed without any resistance at all.

The blue witch in the hands of a master compared to the blue witch in the hands of a rookie could be called two completely different heroes. Obviously, Luni must be a master among the blue witch players.

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