Chapter 126

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For some entertainment media, it was always nice to have explosive news. So in the interview process, there were also some unscrupulous reporters who repeatedly jumped on the players' minefields to try and break through their psychological defense and create a headline.

AI rarely participated in such news interviews. After a succession of fierce questions, it was obvious he couldn't sit still.

Fortunately, before he could speak, DeMen stopped him in time and raised the microphone to himself. "Regarding the retirement, the public relations department of our club will issue a separate statement. I won't mention it here. As for the question of the age of our players being ridiculed by other competition areas, I don't think there is anything wrong with that."

He looked around. "As long as they are active in the field, it means they still have the strength to play for the team. Including me, there are many veterans among the professional teams in the Chinese division but it is these teams that show an absolutely strong performance in the international arena. At least in the previous years, our region has played well. Rather than dwelling on these meaningless things, it's better to let the teams in other divisions try their best to beat us in the international competition. E-sports needs strength to speak. Real results are more convincing than these boring words, right?"

His words caused the interview scene to fall silent.

Lin Yan couldn't help nudging Jing Yuanzhou with his elbow and whispering, "Who said that DeMen was easy to talk to? This answer is really beautiful. Every sentence has a hidden needle. Tsk, this is simply language wordplay! Who told the reporters to diss the age of players. Look at their faces. They're almost green."

Jing Yuanzhou watched the stage. "DeMen's fighting spirit is really high. It seems that PAY is determined to win today's match."

Lin Yan smiled. "Even if they want to win, the ticket to the finals will be ours."

The two of them were whispering in each other's ears while the on-stage PAY interview soon ended with a few more questions. PAY's staff members left through another door under the leadership of the staff and the GH players followed Lin Yan to take a seat on the stage.

The reporters apparently didn't think DeMen would be like this when he was usually easy to talk to. There was some suffocation in the air. Now they looked up and saw the new players and their eyes lit up. They excitedly took out the shooting equipment they brought with them.

In an instant, camera flashes filled the scene. Lin Yan had just sat down in the middle when he was dazzled by the sudden camera flashes. He was about to reach out when Jing Yuanzhou next to him already blocked the lights for him.

Lin Yan was so shaken he couldn't open his eyes. He waited until it died down a bit and reached up to rub his eyes. His words were spoken to Jing Yuanzhou. "It's fine. You can sit down too."

Jing Yuanzhou slightly frowned and pushed the microphone in front of Lin Yan.

Unlike others, GH was a brand new team and no one had expected that they would reach this point. Therefore, strictly speaking, this was the first time they had held such a formal press conference. It was the appearance of a new team and the league officials sent a notice in advance, asking Lin Yan and the others to prepare a speech. It was a very comprehensive team promotion.

It had to be said that as the first team to come out of the league's variety show, GH's treatment was truly unique.

Lin Yan was naturally happy to have this type of free publicity opportunity but he was reluctant to waste extra time writing a speech. So in the end, the two speeches belonging to the coach and the captain were actually written by Luo Mo, a professional tool person.

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