Chapter 42

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Just before the match, Jing Yuanzhou received a WeChat message from Lan Min. [Master, I will definitely do my best!]

Obviously, he already knew that Jing Yuanzhou was there. Jing Yuanzhou smiled and placed his phone back in his pocket.

The members of BK and PILL came to the stage to check their equipment. They had obviously been covered up by makeup but on the big screen, Lan Min's reddish eyes could still be still. It seemed even that he felt a bit embarrassed. He instinctively lowered his head the moment the camera moved to him.

Lin Yan saw this with interest and couldn't help touching Jing Yuanzhou gently with his elbow. "Where did you find this baby apprentice? His tear glands are so talented!"

Jing Yuanzhou thought of the night he met Lan Min for the first time. Lan Min had indeed cried bitterly so Lin Yan guessed it. He couldn't help laughing. "I didn't find him. He found me."

Although it had to be admitted that in some ways, his attention really was first attracted because of the crying appearance. Nervous and helpless yet with a firmness that was rarely seen.

The crowd cheered warmly and the match officially began. Lan Min might often cry at normal times but once he stood on the field, he seemed a lot more stable. Perhaps it was to prove himself in front of the person he respected most. The moment Lan Min was online, he firmly pressed PILL's player under the tower and played with full momentum.

It was well-known that the tactics of the BK team always had the side lane player as the core. After Lan Min took over Jing Yuanzhou's position, they didn't make any additional adjustments. The jungler Ku Tianlu still moved around the upper half of the map waiting for opportunities while firmly controlling the surrounding vision.

BK's early rhythm was very stable. Even the commentators made it clear that the team had digested the change in members fairly well. In the end, Lan Min lived up to everyone's expectations. In the first game of the BO3 match, BK smoothly pushed the lane.

They grasped the initiative and won the final victory. Applause thundered through the venue.

The second game started and it was evident that their opponents PILL had made targeted adjustments. It could be seen that they changed their previous routine and started madly targeting Lan Min's top lane. This meant that Ku Tianlu and the mid-laner of the BK team had to start frequenting this lane. Yet even with their protection, this fast rhythm put unprecedented pressure on Lan Min.

The top half of the map was completely shrouded in gunpowder smoke. Excessive care not only restricted Lan Min's development but it also made the overall rhythm of BK quite chaotic.

At 15 minutes, Lin Yan analyzed the situation on the field. "Your little apprentice is a bit miserable this round. PILL's tactic to target the top lane is really too bad. They are putting so much energy into the top half of the map. Aren't they afraid of creating an imbalance in the later rhythm?"

Jing Yuanzhou's gaze fell on the score. "Just see if Mini can hold on."

Lin Yan nodded. "Indeed, it is enough to hold on. I think BK is already making adjustments."

Anyone who paid a bit of attention to the situation on the field could see that Ku Tianlu's range of activity had completely switched to the bottom half of the map. Apart from BK's mid-laner who would occasionally go to protect Lan Min who was caught by three or four players, it was basically a situation of letting Lan Min fend for himself.

It could be seen from a god's perspective on the big screen then when four people from PILL attacked the tower on the top level, the other members of BK were quickly pushing the defensive towers on the bottom lane and advancing like crazy. PILL's support noticed the situation was wrong and quickly returned to the city to support the bottom shooter.

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