Chapter 131

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Meanwhile in the PAY lounge, everyone couldn't help holding their breaths. There was a hint of gravity in the quiet atmosphere.

"You are too chaotic." DeMen stood in front of AI and frowned. However, he looked at the man with lowered eyes and there was no heaviness in his tone. "I can understand your feeling of not wanting to lose the match but you have to think about your entire career. There was such a heavy load in just two games. If you don't plan to control your hand injuries then are you going to retire with me?"

DeMen had always been PAY's captain but he rarely spoke in such a harsh tone. The other members listened to their vice-captain being scolded silently, not daring to look or say anything. AI looked down at his fingers that were trembling slightly and squeezed them in a relaxed manner. "I do have many matches to play in the future but..."

He paused slightly and raised his head. "If we lose then you will stop here completely."

AI had never been a person to express his emotions. Even when angered by the South Korean player previously, he had just frowned deeper. Now he raised his head and stared at DeMen. There still wasn't much expression on his face but such a glance made DeMen feel like something had pierced his heart.

There was a pause before DeMen let out a sigh. He knew he couldn't continue with this lecturing. In the end, he could only give up and shake his head helplessly. "Even if we don't win the autumn competition, there's still the World Competition. There's no need to be stubborn, you know?"

AI wanted to say something but then he received DeMen's warning gaze and changed his words. "Don't worry, I have an idea in my heart."

The surrounding area was quiet again, leaving only the sound from the live footage on the TV screen. From a statistical point of view alone, the hand speed of both sides was shocking. Just then, there was a knock on the door of the lounge. A staff member gave a reminder. "The third game is about to start. Get ready to play."

AI placed the mineral water bottle on the table and stood up. "Let's go."

The others also walked out. It was a familiar corridor and the cheers and shouts of the audience fell into their ears.

AI walked along the corridor and the hand that fell to his side under his coat slowly clenched into a fist without being noticed. He definitely knew that this season wasn't the end. If they lost here, there was still a chance to win tickets for the World Competition and then there was the world stage waiting for them.

Even so, he didn't want to leave with any regrets. After all, this was destined to be DeMen's last season. He was going to win!

The moment he walked out of the passage, the bright light pierced his eyes and caused AI to squint slightly. Screams hit the roof and the third game of the BO3 match officially began!

On the other side, the GH players had also sat in their gaming chairs.

"Why do I feel like PAY is coming here with a murderous aura?" Bi Yaohua was checking his equipment while frequently glancing at the PAY side with lingering fear. "Look at AI's expression. This is a sign of complete ruthlessness! Is it true that he hasn't reached his limit in the last game? What is the composition of this person?"

"BB, you can read faces now?" Lin Yan heard such a sentence in the voice channel and couldn't help teasing this person with a smile. "Half immortal BB, why don't you calculate it? What will be the result of AI's ruthlessness and which side will win in the end?"

Bi Yaohua pretended to squeeze his finger. "I squeezed my finger. We will definitely win!"

Gu Luo laughed loudly. "Brother Trash Talk is still strong."

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