Chapter 193: Continuation of Last Extra

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The autumn season of the Burning Hot League was approaching.

Many teams were ready to fight back this season due to their unsatisfactory performance before.

Compared to some other teams in the league, WP was considered to have a relatively large change due to the retirement of two old players and filling the spots with two new members. This inevitably aroused certain attention from the outside world. In addition, the two new players recruited this time were both unknown newcomers. In the absence of effective reference materials, people in the circle regarded the daily live broadcast as one of the important channels of observation.

Lin Yan knew that many people in the live broadcast room weren't pure fans but he didn't pay much attention to this. He always broadcasted when it was time to broadcast. He usually liked to ask a routine question when logging into his account and today was no exception.

[WP.Eternal: Team up?]

[WP.Titans: Yes, wait for me.]

Such dialogue was displayed in the live broadcast room without any concealment and caused the barrage to scroll.

[Are you looking for Titans to team up again? I said it before. One is on the top lane and the other is on the bottom. What is the point of teaming up?]

[The front person isn't wrong. One is top and the other is bottom. Isn't this just right?!]

[??? Wait, I suspect that you are suddenly implying something but I have no evidence.]

[Why not team up? I like to watch the two of you together in a team.]

[Yes, every time I look at Eternal and Titans teaming up, I think there is a sweet tacit understanding.]

[It is more than a tacit understanding. It is a perfect match!]

At this time, Jing Yuanzhou withdrew after his game ended. Lin Yan pulled him into the team. Then he caught a glimpse of the barrage and he couldn't help laughing in the voice channel. "Titans, my fans in the live broadcast room are saying that we are a perfect match."

Jing Yuanzhou seemed to be adjusting the microphone. After a while, his voice came. "There's nothing wrong with that."

Barrage: [???]

Lin Yan laughed. He ignored the screen full of question marks and directly entered them into the queue.

It was as the fans said. Lin Yan and Jing Yuanzhou went to their respective lanes one by one. This type of teaming up that didn't require any cooperation was really meaningless but from an unknown point in time, the two of them found that they really enjoyed this ranking mode. They also didn't overturn during the double rankings, which was definitely a very shocking achievement. The main result for this result was naturally their overly strong personal strength.

The biggest attribute in the e-sports circle was admirable strength.

Lin Yan and Jing Yuanzhou were still little-known newcomers but since they started the live broadcast as official WP players, their popularity had soared. This was enough to prove it.

Since their account nicknames carried the prefix of the team, many people had heard of the twin stars in WP. During the teaming up, the two of them basically got their positions smoothly. In the case where their positions were grabbed, Lin Yan switched to a jungler or Jing Yuanzhou came to the bottom lane as a support. Still, the rhythm of their scoring wasn't affected at all.

Lin Yan didn't forget to take the time to interact with his fans while in the queue. "Why do I always like to pull Titans to team up? Will you believe it if I say it is because he is handsome? Of course, it's a joke... the main thing is to look at the feeling. Sometimes if it feels right, it is easy to get a point. Do you believe it?"

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