Chapter 111

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It wasn't until Jian Ye patted him on the shoulder that Gu Luo shook and reacted. Jian Ye looked at him with strange eyes. "What's wrong? Why are you in a daze? We should go."

Gu Luo was still wearing his soundproof headphones. He saw Jian Ye's lips moving and finally remembered to reach up and take them off. Once the isolation effect was eliminated, the audience's deafening applause instantly fell into his ears, making him jump, "What's going on?"

Jian Ye saw this reaction and felt amused. "What's going on? Congratulations, the mid-laner king, the god of battle!"

Mid-laner king? Who?

Gu Luo was full of thoughts about failing to complete the target and he didn't realize what had happened. He was about to ask again when Jian Ye grabbed him to go down from the stage. "Let's go. LDF's side is still waiting for us to shake hands. Don't let them wait too long."

Gu Luo was dragged like this all the way. Once he stood still, he looked up and met the bitter expressions of the LDF team.

Gu Luo, "......"

The process after the match was simple and cumbersome. It just needed the players of both sides to shake hands in turn and exchange a few polite words. It was just a formality. Since the LDF team's eyes were full of resentment, Gu Luo followed his teammates to shake hands one by one and couldn't help burying his head lower and lower.

He finally came to Luni. Gu Luo wanted to withdraw after the handshake but he was unable to pull his hand back. Luni had grabbed it tightly.

Gu Luo's heart tightened, "!"

The gaze above his head was particularly deep and his heart jumped fiercely as he inevitably became nervous.

Jing Yuanzhou was at the front of the team and had finished all the processes. Once he turned around, he saw the scene of Luni grabbing onto their mid-laner and asked curiously, "What are you doing scaring the child? Doesn't this count as being old and disrespectful?"

"Who is old?!" Luni couldn't help glaring at Jing Yuanzhou. "Who am I scaring? Am I someone who can't afford to lose a match in the regular season?"

"It is really hard to say. The mid-laner demon king was killed so many times on the field. If it were me, I wouldn't be able to maintain my face."

After Jing Yuanzhou gave such a reminder, Luni found that the child with grandma grey hair seemed to be frightened by him. He immediately let go and cleared his throat. "That is you. I'm not as stingy as you. To tell the truth, rather than being angry, I'm actually a bit happy."

The two people exchanged such words and Gu Luo let go of his worries. Once he heard the second half of Luni's sentence, he blinked with confusion. "Happy?"

He was happy to lose the game?

Luni naturally had some regrets about this defeat but there was a pleased smile on his face. "Yes, you haven't participated in the World Competition before so you don't know how the players from other divisions ridicule us mid-laners every time. The slogan 'China's second support' is shouted every year. I originally thought that when I... cough, in any case, now there is someone who can be regarded as a successor. How can I not be happy?"

"A successor?" Gu Luo hesitantly pointed at the tip of his nose. "Me?"

"Who else if not you? Once it comes time for the World Competition, you need to work hard for the banner of the China division's mid-laners, little friend!" Luni finally remembered he was from another team and resisted the urge to rub the grandma grey hair. His voice suddenly became a bit emotional. "By the way, you couldn't really endure it in the team battle just now! I thought I did well enough to find an opportunity but I didn't expect for you to have more patience than me. I'm really curious, what exactly were you thinking in that last wave? Were you not going to join the team battle if I hadn't exposed my position?"

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