Chapter 84

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The audience ignored the collapse of Brother Rabbit Hat. Rather, they were happy to see the commentator being overturned. The moment the lineup on both sides were locked, the barrage quickly scrolled.

[Hahaha, I can feel the despair of the commentators through the screen. It really isn't easy to commentate when the GH team is at the scene.]

[To be honest, the mechanical bomber is a half-tank. It isn't impossible to go to the top lane.]

[Has Titans played the mechanical bomber before? Why don't I have any impression?]

[He hasn't played it during a match.]

[In BK, he was the one to be relied on. How could he use this type of hero?]

[The Go Home team really likes to use a strange lineup...]

[Indeed, none of the heroes they chose are popular in this version.]

[However, it seems that SUU is a bit more powerful. There are so many group control skills. GH blindly picked and dropped a stone on their own foot!]

[There is no need to talk badly. Didn't GH previously beat SUU on the live broadcast? Do the fans don't count it?]

[I'm laughing to death. Winning or losing in a training match is nothing, let alone the live broadcast. Does GH want to be the live broadcast championship team?]

[Don't fight. What are you worrying about? Just watch the game!]

GH's lineup was indeed a bit incomprehensible but it clearly wasn't a strong lineup in the early stages.

SUU's side made it clear they were preparing for team battles in the middle and late stages. So after the start of the game, they deliberately went around the jungle of both sides and headed to the lanes.

In fact, SUU today was using the team control system that the Korean division liked to use. It resisted pressure in the early stages and then broke out after forming. However, pressure resistance didn't mean that development wasn't required.

Now that both sides were on the lanes, the contrast in the lineup was highlighted. It went without saying that the shadow sniper used by Bi Yaohua had the longest range among all shooter heroes. The normal attack speed might be low but once a skill hit, the damage value could be called explosive.

The moment they met, Bi Yaohua fired at the other side. The health of SUU's shooter fell by half a bar instantly and he instinctively wanted to retreat. Before he could take two steps, Chen Yushen's wilderness swordsman and Jian Ye's support appeared behind him.

SUU's shooter was isolated and helpless. He lowered his head and looked at his health. In this must-die situation, he didn't use flash. How important was a live-saving skill? Since he couldn't run away, it was better to save it for next time.

[First Blood!]

Chen Yushen looked down at the head he had obtained and thanked the person indifferently.

Bi Yaohua was arrogant. "You're welcome. Come and play often!"

It really made others angry. Jian Ye was silent for a moment before deciding to selectively ignore this sentence. He glanced at the map and said, "Be careful, the opposite jungler is missing."

Jing Yuanzhou's voice rang out. "Our blue mob should be taken by him."

Jian Ye was stunned for a moment. "Fuck, they are ready to aim for you, Captain!"

Jing Yuanzhou replied, "It's fine. If they come to me, I will push them as much as possible. Don't worry about it."

Chen Yushen didn't hesitate at the words. He didn't go to the lane and instead turned to head to SUU's jungle area.

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