Chapter 144

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This short episode ended. Many of the audience members were still screaming as Lin Yan's figure left the camera. The members of GH were used to this type of thing between the two people. They heard Jing Yuanzhou's words and were only stunned for a moment. They saw that the game finished loading and completely placed their focus on it.

It was the commentators on the stage who were stunned for a long time. It was only when the players of both sides rushed out of the high ground on the big screen that they continued to discuss the content that had just been interrupted.

"It seems that Coach Lin isn't in a good condition. I hope he can have a good rest when he goes back." Commentator A cleared his throat and brought the topic back to the point. "Cough, let's get back to business. The lineup that the GH team took out in this game... how do I say it? It feels like they are ready to drag it out to the late game."

Commentator B repeatedly looked between the lineups of the two sides and his expression was inevitably complicated. "Indeed, it isn't very good for Three to play."

GH's lineup this time was obviously much more conventional than the previous one. However, this type of convention was just at a certain level. The top lane and support had two big tank heroes, not to mention that the middle, jungler and shooter also had regular half-tank type heroes. GH's intention of tanking the other side was very obvious. This arrangement was definitely a bit unfriendly for Three, a team with a shooter as the core.

Even so, the commentators only dared to use the words 'not very good to play' to describe it. In other words, it didn't necessarily mean 'can't be played.'

GH obviously wasn't the first to use a whole tank lineup against Three. In the past, the teams might not have gone to the extremes of using semi-defensive heroes for their mid-laner and shooter but their strategy was largely based on trying to stall to the late game. So after observing Three's previous matches, it could be found that they had their own response to dealing with this type of tactic.

Each side had its own calculations. No one would know the specific result until the end.

At the beginning of the second game, GH clearly didn't hide their intentions. It was a regular opening. They bumped into each other a bit before going back to their respective zones. It was at this time that the audience watching finally felt that something was wrong.

According to reason, GH needed to use their lineup to drag things out. How could they be as stable as possible during the early collisions? Unexpectedly, they were even more aggressive than the previous game.

Just five minutes into the game, the first drop of blood broke out in Three's jungle area. Chen Yushen completed killing the jungler and didn't rush to evacuate. He went around a bend to avoid the vision and started to go straight down to the bottom lane. He glanced at the situation on the map and gave a signal. "Be prepared."

Bi Yaohua had been somewhat stimulated since he discovered his own weakness. His power burst out. From the beginning until now, all his operations had been almost to the extreme. Therefore, his current economic situation despite facing the demon king combination of Wuhoo and Come was 5:5.

At this time, he glanced at the two people who were fighting the river crabs and he smiled arrogantly. "Fuck them!"

Chen Yushen told him, "I'm here."

Immediately, a figure came out from behind the wall. Wuhoo had just taken a step forward to take away the health of the crab. Such an angle seemed unavoidable but he still reacted to the extreme. There was almost no hesitation as he used a flash to instantly open the distance.

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