Chapter 91

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No matter how complicated the mood of fans on and off the field was, the scene returned to its normal process after this brief episode. Everyone in GH went to shake hands with BK and they could instantly see the red-eyed Lan Min. The little crybaby lived up to expectations and couldn't hold back his tears, but it was understandable in this situation.

After all, it was rare for Jing Yuanzhou to fully release himself in this way. All opponents who experienced this severe beating would always remember the pain to their bones, let alone the outbreak after being sealed for a long time.

They happened to meet and the child had been beaten silly. It was the feeling of despair that no matter how hard you racked your brain, you were doomed to be unable to do anything.

Lan Min was completely stunned. Apart from the crying, he still obviously hadn't recovered. It wasn't until Jing Yuanzhou stood in front of him and he saw the tall figure that he belatedly moved his mouth. "Master..."

The four-and-one lineup actually tested the level of the solo player. If Lan Min had done a bit more containment in the game just now, if he didn't need his teammates to come and help, then it might've been a completely different ending. Lan Min knew this very well. It was precisely due to this that the more he thought about it, the more he blamed himself. He hadn't played well and had dragged down his teammates.

Jing Yuanzhou's gaze fell on these red eyes. He was silent for a moment before gently shaking Lan Min's hand. "You played well."

Lan Min was stunned and raised his head blankly, obviously feeling disbelief at this evaluation. "I... did I play well?"

Jing Yuanzhou told the truth. "Yes, you played well. If it was the side-lane player of another team, they might not be able to play like you."

Such a sentence made the staff next to him look over with a complicated expression. It was Titans after all. He really dared to say some words. Fortunately, all the headsets had already been removed. Otherwise, if it spread out like this then it wasn't known what type of bloody storm would be created.

The staff member couldn't help inwardly complaining but the moment he heard these words, Lan Min's eyes brightened. His extremely depressed state changed to an excited one. "So Master, I actually played well?"

Jing Yuanzhou smiled. "Really."

The expression on Lan Min's face instantly became serious. "Then I... will be sure to play better next time!"

Jing Yuanzhou accepted it. "Yes, jiayou."

Ku Tianlu saw everything and his heart became bitter. He now fully realized the pain of helping others with their child. Just now, he saw that Lan Min was feeling down and tried to comfort Lan Min as his captain. As a result, he almost wore out his lips and there was no effect. Now this little kid who didn't listen to him at all was immediately coaxed by Jing Yuanzhou with a few words?

Fuck, he could only say that bringing up a child single-handedly was different!

Once Jing Yuanzhou finished shaking hands, it was Gu Luo's turn.

Looking at these red eyes, the grandma gray-haired Gu Luo rubbed his hair with some annoyance. He thought for a moment before saying, "Don't cry. You will look more like a rabbit when crying."

Lan Min who had just been resurrected with full blood, "?"

Was this a provocation? This should be a provocation right?!

The next match was between Three and UL.

After finishing the post-match interview, everyone at GH didn't choose to stay to watch it. They packed up their peripherals and were ready to go back. It was just like in the past. They followed the staff members through the passage dedicated to professional players.

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