Chapter 38

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Chen Yushen's red eyes when he returned to the training room couldn't be hidden. The other team members were startled for a while. They were puzzled about how Lin Yan bullied him that the unsmiling boy would actually cry like this.

Chen Yushen felt his teammates' concern and his mood was very complicated for a while. After a moment of silence, he could only say in a low voice, "You'll know in a few days."

He didn't say anything and the others didn't ask too much. Meanwhile, Lin Yan talked to the manager Luo Mo in advance so he could prepare for public relations and contact other media to deal with the pressure of public opinion.

Coincidentally, the day when the incident was revealed happened to be the day when the second episode of Burning Hot Assembly was broadcasted.

At the same time, the Burning Hot League officially revealed the internal bullying that occurred in the youth training camp in the past and the victim who eventually committed suicide. The plot could be described as very bad.

Then the league's official Weibo publicly displayed a list of the people involved and explained that the matter had been handed over to the relevant criminal departments for handling. They would strictly follow the handling process to ensure that the criminals bore the corresponding legal punishment.

The announcement didn't specify the entire bullying process but it wasn't difficult for netizens to perceive the seriousness of this matter. After all, if there was still a glimmer of hope then who would be willing to give up on the dream of e-sports in this way and end his life so easily?

Anyone who paid attention to the e-sports circle knew that the youth training camp was the main source for many teams to select players. Who would've expected for such a thing to happen and that it had taken two years to be dealt with? Naturally, the entire Internet exploded.

[What does it mean they'll announce the ID of the people in the youth training camp? According to me, all the information should be fully exposed!]

[Has the professional league been eating farts for the past two years? It has been so long and they're only dealing with it now?]

[I remember that LAN. I saw him previously on Burning Hot Assembly. ZX's shooter?]

[Fuck, he played the game as rotten as a dog. I thought he had a fierce look at the time. Sure enough!]

[Reporting! ZX was eliminated by IBB and went home in the second episode of the show. So happy!]

[In the future when the club chooses players, they should wipe their eyes. Don't collect any rubbish for their team.]

The scolding was endless. Then someone ran out and broke the news that these people had been arrested this morning and were awaiting the final verdict to see how many years they were sentenced to.

The little justice netizens on the Internet finally sighed with relief but there were still many people who ran to the Weibo pages of these people in indignation.

Several of the people involved were working behind the scenes in the e-sports field while only LAN was on the list of official players. Therefore, his ZX official Weibo undoubtedly became the angriest battlefield.

The comments area had completely collapsed and all the comments were of netizens greeting the blind management. Even the other innocent members of ZX were affected. In this way, the fact that ZX went home directly during the first elimination was a good thing. At least this way, they avoided the miserable treatment of their team being chased and scolded in later episodes.

Lin Yan stayed in the meeting room all morning. He witnessed the detonation of the entire incident and there wasn't much expression on his face. At this moment, he looked up at the time and guessed it was almost here.

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