Chapter 39

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Chen Yushen didn't know what Bi Yaohua was going to do. He saw that the team had been formed and they had already entered the queue so he didn't ask much. Then he heard Bi Yaohua asking in the voice chat, "Do you mind if I go to your live broadcast room?"

Chen Yushen was even more bewildered and blurted out, "I don't mind."

Therefore, the sunspots in Chen Yushen's live broadcast room looked up between the scolding to see a golden system prompt.

In order to make it more convenient for the GH team members to visit each other, Lin Yan used the team money to raise their gift rankings in the respective live broadcast rooms. This gave them extremely striking appearance banners.

The sunspots were still slandering Bi Yaohua and Chen Yushen for teaming up. They saw that the other person actually took the initiative to send himself to the door and there was no need for them to go to the next-door live broadcast room. They quickly sent barrage messages and it wasn't surprising that there was another burst of cynicism.

In addition, the black fans on Bi Yaohua's side discovered the situation of them teaming up. The barrage in the two live broadcast rooms directly opened the linkage mode and the scene was very spectacular.

Just then, Bi Yaohua fiddled with the headset with a blank expression before asking, "How is it? Can you hear me?"

The two of them were now grouped together in a voice communication. Chen Yushen's live broadcast room also heard his voice.

Chen Yushen replied, "I hear you."

Bi Yaohua gave a low laugh. "I wasn't asking you."

Chen Yushen, "?"

At this time, the queue was successful and the two people entered the BP link. Once it was Bi Yaohua's turn, he directly locked onto a shooter and smiled while looking up. "I was asking those people cursing if they could hear me."

Chen Yushen, "......"

He glanced at his live broadcast room and saw that all of the barrage had paused for a moment. Then it was completely agitated by the extremely arrogant tone.

[Damn, is this a blatant provocation?]

[Why pretend to trash talk day and night. Do you really think you are the Trash Talk King?]

[Two toxic people are together, 666666.]

[Hey, let me call you my son. Do you dare to agree?]

Bi Yaohua was unmoved in the face of such a huge battle.

At the beginning of the first round of the doubles match, he bought his outfit and walked in his lane while manipulating his character, his tone calm as if he were talking about everyday life. "I just heard that you asked someone to get out of the gaming circle? Are you eligible to say this? Why don't you think about getting out of the live broadcast room first? You just need to touch your upper and lower lips together to speak. It's better to show you how to roll and get lost. After all, normal people use walking which is too difficult to learn. Of course, some people speak too much and their legs get broken. They can't walk and can only roll."

He easily took away the first wave of soldiers while dealing a few attacks to the other shooter, forcing them directly back under the tower.

Then he glanced at Chen Yushen's position and started walking to the opposite jungle in an extremely calm manner. "The housekeepers on both sides are here right? You can block those who are violent and curse. In addition, remember to submit a report. The mute package is for a week so you're welcome."

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