Chapter 51

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Lin Yan was really content. He leaned his entire body quietly on Jing Yuanzhou like a pendant.

It had to be said that such a scene was too familiar. Jing Yuanzhou still remembered the first time they met. This man was obediently led by him to the hotel. Then...

He didn't want to continue thinking about the rest of those memories.

He called a car with the mobile phone app and dragged Lin Yan to wait by the side of the road. It was 1 o'clock in the morning and the surroundings were covered in darkness. Before they knew it, summer had passed. The evening wind seemed to bring a slight coolness that entered their neckline from time to time, scratching bitterly at the skin.

Jing Yuanzhou might be an e-sports player but he had the habit of getting up and running every morning. He didn't have the professional-specific night owl attribute and he didn't remember who long it had been since he was awake so late.

Now, the man hanging from his body seemed to light a fire and he felt no sleepiness at all. Lin Yan just leaned quietly against him. The slender eyelashes were hanging down obediently and his expression was blank. His eyes were blurred and there was an unspeakable charm. It made people want to take a bite.

Jing Yuanzhou looked down, his eyes fixed on such a face.

A long time passed before he used one hand to pull this person up as much as possible. His other hand struggled for a bit before dragging down the coat to cover Lin Yan's body. He unceremoniously covered the entire person like this.

Lin Yan's eyebrows came together slightly. Perhaps he was thinking about the previous agreement but he was very restrained and allowed Jing Yuanzhou's actions. Jing Yuanzhou saw this person's eyes and couldn't help reaching out a hand to rub Lin Yan's head lightly. Then he inevitably laughed. Seeing Lin Yan's current appearance, he couldn't say if this person's drinking tolerance was good or not.

The car called by the app was nearby. It made a few turns before soon arriving at the intersection where they were located.

Jing Yuanzhou helped Lin Yan into the car. He adjusted Lin Yan into a comfortable posture, pressing this person's head against his shoulder before reporting the address of the team's base to the driver.

The driver was quite talkative. He glanced at the rearview mirror while waiting for a red light and asked with a smile, "Your boyfriend?"

Lin Yan was originally half squinting. Once he heard such a sentence, he suddenly opened them very aggressively and declared sovereignty. "He is mine!"

Jing Yuanzhou didn't know if he should laugh or cry. He pushed Lin Yan back down into his arms and told the driver, "It isn't that type of relationship for the time being."

Such an answer fully reflected the art of speaking. It wasn't now but it didn't mean it wouldn't be in the future.

There was a green light and the car started driving again. The driver turned his attention to the front and nodded. "Then I'm not mistaken. You like him."

Jing Yuanzhou was lowering the car window next to Lin Yan to give him some air. He paused in his actions before smiling slightly. "Yes, I like him."

He looked down at the man in his arms as he spoke. Perhaps he had pressed a bit too hard just now. Lin Yan was buried deep in his arms and didn't say anything again. He was breathing peacefully and Jing Yuanzhou couldn't tell if he was asleep or not.

Jing Yuanzhou smiled. He saw Lin Yan's hand falling to the side and reached out to grab it. Currently, the posture of the two people was somewhat ambiguous. Jing Yuanzhou didn't know where to put the hand so he simply held it directly. The fingers were rubbed lightly and silently interlocked. In the quiet atmosphere, he could hear the other person's heartbeat.

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