Chapter 57

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"I don't really blame IBB." In the GH player seats, Lin Yan spoke rare words for IBB's coach. "I think that not many teams even in the professional league can withstand this set of tactics."

Bi Yaohua said, "Other coaches just play tactics. When our Coach Lin plays tactics, he also plays with others' mentality. I really admire it."

Lin Yan glanced at him with a smile. "I will tell you in advance. The post-match announcements that I asked Luo Mo to prepare are all arranged according to 3:0. There might be backup plans but regardless of the momentum or fighting, it is obviously not comparable with a zero seal. So give me a good third game! I've done so much with IBB's mentality previously. If you lose a game at this critical moment then hehe, after you go back, I will make your mentality explode."

Bi Yaohua cried towards Jing Yuanzhou. "Captain, the coach is threatening us."

Jing Yuanzhou responded quietly, "I think the coach is right."

"......" Bi Yaohua's mouth twitched and he almost blurted out the words 'villains colluding together'. Finally, he could only let out a low sigh. "We will be sure to play well. The celebration party must've been arranged, right?"

Lin Yan had always been generous about such things. "Luo Mo has arranged it a long time ago. It is a high-end club near the base. I guarantee you won't want to come out after you enter."

Jian Ye originally had his eyes closed to keep sharp. He heard these words and suddenly felt energetic. "What are you waiting for? Hurry up!"

Gu Luo noticed the gazes cast at them from the audience in the back and cleared his throat in a low manner. "...Brother Gun, should we be more reserved?"

The 10 minute break soon passed and everyone returned to their zone.

Lin Yan put on his headphones and suddenly brought the mike to his mouth. "It is the third game of the BO5."

The others didn't know why he was suddenly bringing this up.

Before anyone could ask, Lin Yan continued speaking. "Everyone knows that our team hasn't experienced any competitions in Internet cafes or the secondary league before participating in the show. As early as a few episodes ago, almost all online and offline voices were questioning us. Although these voices have dissipated a lot under everyone's excellent performance, the label of third-rate team is still firmly on us."

There was silence in the voice channel, leaving only Lin Yan's voice. "GH's name is Go Home. From the very beginning, it is to send the opponent home. The current game depends on whether you can successfully send IBB back. If you succeed, the 3:0 record will make your ticket to the professional league shine. If you fail... cough, there is one more game! In short, this road is yours. Use your strength to make the entire e-sports league notice the GH team!"

At this point, a smile appeared on his face. "One hour! One hour later, I hope that when everyone talks about it, they can put extra words in front of our club—professional team, GH."

Everyone's expressions were different. Some were moved while others had fighting spirit in their eyes.

The referee who heard everything couldn't help his mouth twitching. Encouragement was encouragement but they were now confidently planning a zero seal match. Did the IBB team members know this? Too arrogant!

Soon, the BP process officially began. It could be seen that IBB's lineup was much firmer than it was in the first two games. Lin Yan raised his eyes in surprise. "Oh, it seems that the coach of IBB has finally turned the corner. This team is okay. Their mentality adjustment is fast!"

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