Chapter 2

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His assistant Luo Mo hurried over after receiving the call. He arrived at the hotel and found Lin Yan lying lazily on the sofa, rubbing his temples with slender fingers and looking tired.

Luo Mo poured a glass of cold water, handed it over and blamed himself. "It is my fault. I wouldn't have left yesterday if I knew it would be like this."

Yesterday, the group of young masters in the east of the city gathered in the bar street and called Lin Yan on a whim.

It was just that Lin Yan was used to participating in social gatherings and knew he was poor in drinking. He would often be able to avoid drinking. It was for this reason that Lin Yan had left without worrying after receiving a temporary notice.

He never thought that the young master would be carried away by a whim to drink. The fire of gossip might be burning in Luo Mo's heart but he didn't ask much about what happened last night. He didn't dare ask.

Lin Yan read many emotions from the assistant's extremely complicated gaze. Then he remembered what happened last night and he felt the vein on his forehead to bulge. He really hadn't expected 'his' drinking capacity to be so poor or he wouldn't have drunk half a glass of wine to give Cheng Lexin some face.

Luo Mo paid attention to Lin Yan's mental state and suggested, "You aren't busy today. Why don't you go back and rest first?"

"How can I do that?" Lin Yan didn't think much and shook his head in refusal. "Why do you think I dealt with Cheng Lexin's group for so long yesterday if it wasn't for their resources? Once the club is established, there will be no need to worry about a publicity channel with their help. How can I be worthy of my sacrifice if I rest instead of getting things done in a hurry?"

Luo Mo was stunned. He obviously hadn't expected last night's drinking party to have such intentions. "So we have to go to BK again?"

Adding the feedback they received two days ago, the BK Club had rejected the transfer of Jing Yuanzhou three times already.

To be honest, most people in this situation would've given up but Lin Yan wasn't affected in the slightest. "OF course! Have you ever heard of the saying 'a good woman is afraid of a pestering man'? As long as we work hard, I don't believe that Jing Yuanzhou will be able to keep resisting."

Luo Mo, "......"

This was the truth. So why didn't it sound right? Luo Mo had been with Lin Yan for three years. To be honest, he hadn't figured out how this young master had suddenly become interested in the field of e-sports.

Anyone who had been in contact with the e-sports circle knew that Ying Yangzhou was the core existence of the powerful BK team. Many clubs had been greedy for influence that could be brought by the name 'Titans' alone but none of them had been able to pry him away from BK.

Even the well-established giant clubs hadn't been able to catch God Jing's eye. The empty club like Lin Yan's that just completed the registration obviously wasn't enough. Forget agreeing to the transfer. BK being patient enough to politely refuse was enough to give face to the Lin family.

However, Lin Yan didn't pay attention to the triple refusal.

His fingers tapped on the tap as he told his assistant the key point. "In short, I must get my hands on the man I like."

Luo Mo, "......"

He recalled how Lin Yan spent three days and three nights sitting in front of a computer to watch Jing Yuanzhou's matches and almost suspected that his boss was greedy for the other person's body.

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