Chapter 137

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Lin Yan sat there motionlessly. He didn't show a casual smile as usual and just slowly frowned. In the end, he still chose to get straight to the topic. "Tell me, was BK's tactical system tailor-made for Song Cheng from the beginning?"

Jing Yuanzhou had long guessed he wouldn't be able to hide this type of thing from Lin Yan. He went around to sit down on the sofa next to Lin Yan, placed his hands in his lap and fiddled with the phone as if to conceal his emotions. "Yes, when BK was just established, internally, almost all the members of the team were recruited by Captain Song. It was the early years and e-sports wasn't as developed as it is now. The entire coaching team was still learning and exploring. They finally found a set that was very suitable for BK's combat style. As they participated in more professional leagues, the system gradually improved. Then...

"It continued until now?" Lin Yan really laughed this time. He leaned back on the sofa cushion, tilted his head and looked over with a smile. "Yes, I can admit that for BK's stupid behind the scenes team, this is probably their best tactical system. However, it doesn't excuse the lack of action from this wasteful coaching team."

There was pent-up anger in the words that made Jing Yuanzhou's heart moved. Softness filled his eyes. "I know that you are distressed for me."

This smooth sentence made Lin Yan close his mouth. He was distressed but on the other hand, there was a lot to think about. In his understanding, Jing Yuanzhou was never a person who would compromise like this.

Perhaps the BK team was indeed a very good platform at the time. Perhaps Jing Yuanzhou didn't have many options when he first entered the league. Yet as his popularity grew higher and higher, it was impossible for him to not have any transfer opportunities during the transfer period opened twice a year.

Even so, Jing Yuanzhou chose to stay with the BK team. He chose to forcefully change his personal habits when playing and steadily supported the honor of BK, a powerful team that might fall at any time.

Lin Yan didn't express it but Jing Yuanzhou seemed to see through his thoughts. Jing Yuanzhou spoke slowly and calmly, like it had nothing to do with him. "Before Captain Song left, no one looked for him, only me. It's hard to remember what he said at that time. It was something like he hadn't done anything for himself in his life and he wanted to be completely willful once. However, he didn't want to worry about the BK team. He hoped I would promise him to take his place properly and accompany the team all the way."

To put it mildly, the expression on Lin Yan's face became even more terrible at the words. It was a substitute! He chose to leave the responsibility as a captain but he wanted to ask a newcomer to replace him as the pillar of the team?

If Song Cheng couldn't have foreseen that Jing Yuanzhou would become one of the five demon kings, making such a decision was simply selfishness to the extreme! He didn't dare imagine how Jing Yuanzhou managed to face the pressure of public opinion at that age, when everyone was mocking him for his 'individuality' and causing a disconnect within the team.

It must be known that changing the playing method during the transition period was like breaking everything you had before and completely reorganizing it. This period was often accompanied by countless self-denials and self-doubt. Even many senior players wouldn't be able to withstand such suffering, let alone an 18 year old child!

It was precisely because so many players had been tortured by this transformation that Lin Yan felt even more uncomfortable. He took a slow breath and his tone naturally sank. "So you really agreed?"

It was the first time Jing Yuanzhou had seen Lin Yan making such an expression. This man had never exposed much emotion even when dealing with Chen Yushen's matter previously. They were very cold eyes and a very cold tone but the distress of a person seemed contagious and inexplicably made Jing Yuanzhou's heart warm up.

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