Chapter 106

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Gu Luo returned to the training room to get his things while Lin Yan and Jing Yuanzhou returned to the dormitory together. Neither of them spoke. In the darkness, the autumn coolness was particularly penetrating.

After arriving at the door of his room, Lin Yan opened the door and didn't say goodnight to Jing Yuanzhou. Instead, he reached out to grab this man by the corner of his clothes, dragging him into the door.

Jing Yuanzhou noticed that the door closed behind them and joked, "We're in the critical period of the regular season these days. It isn't good to do this?"

Lin Yan turned on the light and glanced at him in an amused manner. "Aren't you thinking too beautifully?"

Jing Yuanzhou lowered his eyes and remained silent. Dim light sprinkled around him and shrouded him. Lin Yan saw this expression and didn't beat around the bush. He honestly asked Jing Yuanzhou, "What did Luni say just now?"

"In short, it's a very serious topic." Jing Yuanzhou didn't mean to hide it from Lin Yan. He instinctively wanted to touch the cigarettes in his pockets only to remember that he had changed his clothes after taking a shower. He could only give up. "I don't know what year this is but it will have a magical ending. If there are no accidents, I'm afraid a large number of teams will be preparing for big changes at the end of this professional league."

Lin Yan instantly captured the main point. "Luni wants to retire?"

"He has this idea but the LDF management doesn't want to let him go. The main reason is that they can't find a suitable mid-laner to replace him so they can only hold on to it." Jing Yuanzhou slowly leaned against the wall and half joked, "That's why he ran to call me. He wanted me to ask if you have the intention of letting the newly signed passersby king, Jian Ning transfer. It seems he is really anxious to retire this year."

"The moment he opens his mouth, he's staring at the newcomer we signed. I'm afraid he wants to eat peaches!" Lin Yan answered with nonchalant contempt before wondering, "What's the matter with Luni? Is it an injury?"

"He said he wants to retire early because he hasn't received any injuries yet." Jing Yuanzhou smiled. "You probably don't know but his family is quite rich. I guess there are also many family reasons involved."

Lin Yan was stunned before understanding.

Injuries were too common in the e-sports circle. After all, years of training combined with staying up all night could easily cause all types of messy problems. For example, Wuhoo of Three had a hand injury that shooters were prone to getting. UL's team captain BALL had old shoulder problems... not to mention the other ordinary players who had small illnesses and pains not disclosed to the outside world.

These injuries were easily suffered at a young age and didn't have much impact, but as they aged and their state started to cline, it could be a fatal blow when combined with the double pain of illness.

The field of e-sports required one to speak with strength. All excuses were meaningless on the field. Therefore, there were many such players every year. They worked hard on the field for many years but due to pain and poor performance, they could finally only leave the field sadly.

In the professional league, a player should either leave early with all the applause and honor at the peak of their strength or they should grit their teeth and fight to the last moment. Even if they get hurt, they should sweat on the battlefield just to devote their youth to the extreme. This was an unsolvable paradox in itself.

In the end, it was just a different choice for everyone. There was no right or wrong.

Jing Yuanzhou saw that Lin Yan was lost in thought and continued the topic. "Don't look at Luni wandering around with that little ponytail everywhere. In fact, his attitude is more professional than all of us. In his position, he has all the reputation, status and recognition. In the future, it would indeed become more difficult to continue to maintain this state. Therefore, he wants to announce his retirement when he is at the peak. It just so happens that the pressure to go home is becoming tighter. After bringing his career to a successful conclusion, it's time to go back and inherit the family business."

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