Chapter 87

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He had been too busy last night. It was true that Jing Yuanzhou hadn't paid attention to the situation on the Internet until now. It wasn't until he saw the message from Ku Tianlu that he discovered the professional players group had completely blown up.

[Fuck, what does this interview with Win mean? Are they looking down on our domestic division?]

[I remember that this team didn't even make it into the semi-finals last year, right? Are they so arrogant after winning the spring competition?]

[It's too tiring to play in the Korean division so they come to our national server to relax? Do they really think there is no one in our league?]

[Isn't it said that the professional players in South Korea have also been mobilized? It seems they really want to come to our national server to get first place.]

[In fact, I have good friends among the Korean teams. They said that they didn't want to join in at first. It's just that Win has stirred public opinion too much.]

[It's true that if fans are seeking official mobilization, they will have to consider the pressure of public opinion even if they want to stay out of it.]

[Wait, what are you talking about? I just came online?]

[Guiding the way: [Video Link]]

[Warm reminder, it is recommended to drink a glass of water to calm down. They are really putting on an act.]

Jing Yuanzhou saw the chat history and more or less understood what was going on. He clicked on the video link posted in the group. The person in the video was the MVP of the game and was being interviewed. He had striking red hair and judging from the uniform he was wearing, he was a member of the Win team. It was said that Win had dug up a lot of newcomers this year. Judging from the strange young face, he should be one of them.

After playing for so many years, Jing Yuanzhou had learned some Korean for the convenience of the World Competition. He could understand the content of the words even without looking at the subtitles translation. "In fact, this game wasn't played very well. Fortunately, the opponent seems to be more out of shape than me. If I played normally then I should've taken more than 10 heads.... but there won't be any such distractions in the following matches. As stated before, this winner of this year's World Competition must be our Win. I'm not speaking big words. We really have strength."

The host asked, "The evaluation of you on the Internet is that you are currently the top side-lane player in the Korean competition area. What do you think of this?"

The redhead looked disapproving. "I am the best in South Korea but to be more accurate, it isn't an exaggeration to say that I am the world's top side-lane player."

The host was a bit flustered and changed the subject appropriately. "Win's momentum this year is indeed very strong. In order to show such an excellent performance, I believe the private training must've been very difficult right?"

"In fact, it's fine. The arrangement was quite intensive a while ago but it has been adjusted recently." The redhead hesitated when he said this and looked up at the camera lens. "It's just that it's too tiring to play the rankings in the Korean division. Thus, I'm going to the China server to relax in the later period. The Chinese division might not have won the World Competition for several years but it is good to take this opportunity to have a look. By the way, I will see if I can find the time to reach number one there. It seems interesting when thinking about it this way. I just don't know if the players from other teams are interested. Why don't we go together?"

The video came to an abrupt end here.

Jing Yuanzhou raised his eyebrow slightly. He didn't expect the arrogant newcomer of the Win team to be a side-lane player just like him. In fact, every professional player had some common attributes of the position. Side-lane players were generally more stable and reliable. There were few players who were so arrogant and domineering.

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