Chapter 11

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Lin Yan hugged his body and slowly leaned against the wall. "Is there any gift that God Jing wants?"

Jing Yuanzhou smiled at him and slowly released a word. "Guess?" Needless to say, this attitude was really damn familiar.

Lin Yan met this gaze and was quite frank. "Last time, I promised myself to you and you said no. I really don't know what else I can give that is more sincere."

Jing Yuanzhou suggested, "Send it again. What if I want it?"

Their eyes met and then Lin Yan laughed. "Forget it. If I am rejected twice then I'm afraid my glass heart will break and I will cry. It is too late."

He didn't wait for Jing Yuanzhou to respond as he continued, "Then I can only treat you to a meal. It can be regarded as your meeting gift."

Jing Yuanzhou glanced at him and asked in a light voice, "That is fine but... Gloy?"

"There is a housekeeper aunt at the base and she will come over to cook when it is time. It will take him a long time to digest today's replay. It will be a waste of time to take him out to eat." Lin Yan looked down at the time. "I'll wait for you at the door at 5:30."

Jing Yuanzhou nodded. "I'll see you then."

The BOD Club might not be very strong but it knew how to enjoy itself. The management had taken into account the nearby supporting facilities when choosing the base. The road outside was a luxurious commercial area that had everything they wanted to eat.

Lin Yan had come to live at the base a few days in advance but he was so busy he had no time to reward himself. Now he took advantage of inviting Jing Yuanzhou for a meal to happily go out. He parked the car in the underground garage and used his phone to search for the public's comments. He asked for the other person's opinion. "The barbecue here seems good. Do you want to eat it?"

Jing Yuanzhou was at ease. "Anything is fine."

The two people went to the barbecue restaurant and got a box. The cold air from the air conditioner quietly calmed the heat brought in from the outside world. Lin Yan wasn't sure about Jing Yuanzhou's tastes so he ordered while inquiring. After that, he handed the menu to the waiter nearby. "That will be all for now, thank you."

Jing Yuanzhou sat opposite Lin Yan and drank tea while looking up from time to time. The surrounding area became quiet the moment the waiter left.

Seeing that Jing Yuanzhou didn't have any intention to speak, the impatient Lin Yan first provoked the topic. "Gloy officially signed today and there are finally two people in the team. However, the shooter, support and jungler positions are still empty. Captain Jing, aren't you curious about the candidates for the other three positions?"

Jing Yuanzhou replied indifferently, "There is no curiosity. I'm just a member of the team and will follow the team's strategy."

Lin Yan slowly leaned back and looked sideways at Jing Yuanzhou. "You're so at ease with me?"

Jing Yuanzhou gave a smile that wasn't a smile. "If I wasn't at ease then how could I be willing to sign with you?"

Lin Yan hadn't expected such a sentence. He was slightly stunned before nodding earnestly. "That's right. Don't worry, I will be responsible."

Jing Yuanzhou's lips curved up. "I will wait for you to be responsible."

Lin Yan saw that Jing Yuanzhou really didn't have much interest in his future teammates and couldn't help scratching his head with some boredom. Just then, the waiter knocked on the box door. "Excuse me, service is here.'

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