Chapter 112

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The business car stopped when it arrived at the base. Everyone in GH had slept in a daze and they were still a bit sleepy when they got out of the car. Gu Luo held the equipment bag in his hand, rubbed his eyes, and opened his mouth to yawn. Then he inadvertently raised his head to meet Jing Yuanzhou's gaze and paused slightly. "...Captain, what's wrong?"

Lin Yan stood not far to the side. It wasn't known what he was thinking but he seemed to be trying to control the raised corners of his mouth. Jing Yuanzhou's demeanor seemed somewhat unnatural as he came straight over without speaking.

Before Gu Luo could react, Jing Yuanzhou's big hand had already lightly landed on his head and it rubbed his grandma grey hair. Jing Yuanzhou's action was very gentle but he spoke to Lin Yan in the distance. "Did you start?"

Gu Luo abruptly woke up due to the touch and he felt even more bewildered. He looked up blankly and saw that Lin Yan had taken out his phone and was fiddling with it in their direction like he was taking photos. After shooting, he made an OK gesture and looked satisfied. "It's done. Next!"

Jing Yuanzhou responded with a hum and retracted his hand from Gu Luo's head. Then he turned to the others. "Come here."

The other players had also slept in the car and they weren't much more awake than Gu Luo. They just instinctively accepted the instructions of the captain. In the blink of an eye, the yard of the base instantly became the scene of a large-scale rubbing of the grandma grey hair under Jing Yuanzhou's arrangement.

Lin Yan was very responsible as the photographer and completed an entire set of photos in the blink of an eye. After finishing the work, he noticed the inquiring gazes. He tried his best to suppress his laugh as he cleared his throat. "It's nothing. In order to celebrate Gloy become the god of battle today, the official Weibo needs some promotional materials."

Gu Luo was just caught and ravaged by his teammates. Once he heard this, he had even more question marks above his head. It was understandable to publish something to celebrate today's battle but why should his head be collectively touched by the group?

Lin Yan looked at Gu Luo who was in a daze from the touches and almost couldn't control his laughter. He had felt it was a bit strange when Jing Yuanzhou suddenly proposed to open business in the car just now. It wasn't until he looked at Weibo that he noticed this man was jealous. Still, he thought that Jing Yuanzhou's appearance was a bit cute.

Lin Yan might feel some sympathy for Gu Luo but he didn't expose his boyfriend's shortcomings. He merely waved his hand. "Okay, there's nothing else. Go back and rest. Hurry and adjust your status. I will send the next training plan to your inboxes."

The team members instantly withered when they heard this. "Understood..."

10 minutes later, GH's official Weibo sent a new post. Due to the current online hot searches about Gloy, this post attracted countless attention. It didn't do anything strange as many people expected. The GH club's Weibo post was normal. The entire thing basically revolved around today's match against LDF. It celebrated the victory and thanked fans for the support. It also looked forward to the future, saying that the GH team would continue to work hard in the playoffs to repay all the support.

Based on the text content alone, it could be called extremely satisfactory. This was until someone noticed the 'daily photos' attached at the end and it instantly attracted the attention of all netizens. There were a total of four photos. To be exact, it was four members of the GH team placing their hands on Gu Luo's head. The grandma grey hair was undoubtedly the only common point of these photos. At a glance, it seemed that rubbing Gu Luo's grandma grey hair was an established form of solidarity and camaraderie in the GH team.

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