Chapter 22

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Jing Yuanzhou always had the habit of getting up early to exercise. This had never been interrupted even during the closed training process. This showed his self-discipline and today was no exception.

Lin Yan woke up in a dazed manner. He glanced at the bed next to him and wasn't surprised to see only a stack of neatly folded quilts. The man was long gone.

Today was the first day of recording the Burning Hot Assembly. The recording time was scheduled at one in the afternoon. However, so many people needed to do their styling that they needed to report in advance at 11 o'clock.

Lin Yan glanced at his phone and determined that the time was still early. He rubbed his fluffy hair and went into the bathroom with sleepy eyes. He came out after washing up and was thinking about going downstairs to eat breakfast. Then he glanced around inadvertently and found a note on his bedside table. The confused Lin Yan walked over and picked it up to take a look.

It was obviously from Jing Yuanzhou. He had probably been afraid that sending a message would wake up Lin Yan so he chose this method. [You don't need to go to the dining room for breakfast. I'll bring it back on the way. If someone knocks on the door, remember to open it. It is the room service I called.]

There was obviously no problem with the contents of the note but Lin Yan repeatedly read it. He always felt that something was wrong. However, before he could think about it, there was a knock on the door.

Jing Yuanzhou had left a note so Lin Yan's first reaction was that the employee had arrived. He opened the door and was slightly surprised to see Chen Yushen standing in the doorway. "Why are you awake so early today?"

According to his knowledge of e-sports players, he knew that these people would definitely stay in bed every possible second and not waste this precious time. The current time of 8:30 didn't match their normal biological clock.

However, judging from the faint dark circles under Chen Yushen's eyes, he obviously hadn't slept well last night. Lin Yan saw the young man standing at the door without moving. He instantly understood why this person had come and turned to the side. "Titans isn't here now. You can come in first."

Chen Yushen walked to the sofa and sat down. Lin Yan poured tea for himself and also for Chen Yushen. Chen Yushen held the tea cup. He rubbed the cup with his fingers and his eyes stared at the table as he remained silent for a long time.

Lin Yan wasn't in a hurry. He leaned against the sofa and drank the tea. It was unknown how much time passed before Chen Yushen raised his head and looked over. He spoke in a slightly hoarse voice. "Coach, I want to talk to you about... two years ago."

It was undoubtedly very difficult to make such a decision. It was just that Chen Yushen had been thinking about it all night after yesterday. The past that he thought would be rotting in his memory forever had gradually loosened thanks to all the killing on the field.

Lin Yan had already guessed Chen Yushen's intentions and his mouth slightly curved up when he heard the words. "You don't need to say it. I know."

Chen Yushen's back shook slightly and he looked up in an astonished manner. "You know... all of it?"

Lin Yan tilted his head and smiled slightly. "I meant all the words I told LAN yesterday. It wasn't just to scare him casually."

Chen Yushen opened his mouth but found he couldn't make a sound for a while. This was like plucking up the courage only to become completely empty the next moment. His entire body slightly lost strength and he slumped on the sofa.

Lin Yan gave a low sigh. "Relax. Drink some hot water first."

In fact, the story about Abyss wasn't mentioned too much in the original book. He just knew a basic outline of the whole incident. To understand more details, Chen Yushen naturally needed to say it himself.

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