Chapter 27

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It had to be said that the response from the first episode of Burning Hot Assembly was more enthusiastic than expected. In just one day, it swept up almost the entire Weibo hot search. So when Jing Yuanzhou woke up the next day, he saw that the message notifications on his phone were about to be maxed out.

Some people in the professional players chat group had pinged him. This old group who chatted and gossiped all year round rarely talked about topics related to e-sports. The players in this group were all active players of the league. Some had a good relationship while others barely said a few words to each other. Some occasionally grumbled and others stayed quiet.

However, the transfer period had just ended and topics in the circle were somewhat sensitive during this time. Therefore, most people chose to be tactful and to lurk. The moment the avant-garde popular variety show was broadcast, someone took the lead to bring up the topic and the players who had been holding back for a long time naturally came out.

Jing Yuanzhou took his phone and walked into the bathroom. He brushed his teeth while reading through the chat history in front of him.

[The variety show that the league is doing this time is really good. At first, it was damaged but now it has blown up. It turned against the wind!]

[So did everyone see it?]

[Is this nonsense? Now if I don't watch the e-sports variety show then I won't understand the trends.]

[I watched it, I watched it yesterday! I have to say that the two of them are really outstanding @Luni @Titans.]

Luni was suddenly cued and he also came out.

Luni: [I just showed my face. What was so good about it?]

Everyone responded: [As the official player representative, your face is our face!]

Luni: [......]

Luni: [I'm nothing. At best, it was just a personal signboard. It is better to ask the former pro directly. How bad is it to say trash on this occasion? @Titans]

Jing Yuanzhou glanced casually and found that he had been @ many times. He couldn't help chuckling.

The matter of his transfer had previously been circulated in the professional circle but no one had mentioned it in this group. They were all people who had been in the circle for many years and knew that some things were heartbreaking. They tacitly didn't come to sprinkle salt on the wound. Now that the matter of his transfer to GH had been settled and they saw he was in a good mood on the variety show, they took advantage of this time to tease him.

Jing Yuanzhou read through the chat history and got a general idea. The mid-season hadn't started yet and the pros were clearly idle. No, there was so much leisure and good taste that they were starting to watch variety shows. However, this also showed how popular the e-sports variety show Burning Hot Assembly had become.

Jing Yuanzhou wiped his face with a towel, casually picked up his phone and replied.

Titans: [@Luni, I said it with feelings. It wasn't trash talk. Thank you.]

Titans: [In addition, this seems to be a group for professional players? As a former professional player, I don't seem suitable for this group. I will leave first.]

The group chat that was in full swing just now fell silent. The next second, it was completely covered with question marks.

[It's over. Titans is angry. Luni, you're in trouble!]

[Why leave? If the annual best play isn't suitable to stay, how can these weaklings be mixed in?]

Luni: [???]

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