Chapter 187

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Lin Yan hadn't expected that Jing Yuanzhou would suddenly offer to take him back to Shicheng.

To be honest, based on the information he learned before, he didn't have good feelings for his boyfriend's parents. He thought about how Jing Yuanzhou had run away from home for so long and couldn't help feeling distressed.

On the other hand, he knew that blood kinship was very subtle in itself. Thus, he didn't hesitate too much and agreed very simply.

On the day of the visit, the two of them bought some gifts in advance, came to the community where Yin Zhi now lived and pressed the doorbell.

Yin Zhi's emotions surged seeing Jing Yuanzhou after so long. Her eyes moved back and forth between the two people before she remembered to allow them into the house. Yin Zhi had married a high school teacher. He wore metal-framed glasses and looked good-tempered as he greeted them enthusiastically. It was the first time Jing Yuanzhou had made such a formal visit after their marriage. Yin Zhi greeted them before going into the kitchen, leaving only her busy back.

This scene fell into his eyes and he couldn't help being stunned. There was some complexity in his mood before it gradually softened. In his memories, Yin Zhi had never smiled when she was with Jing Ming. The warm atmosphere in front of him suddenly made him feel this was actually very good.

Yin Zhi knew Jing Yuanzhou was coming today and had specially prepared a large table of good dishes. Lin Yan could be said to be very good at selling Jing Yuanzhou's face. In the process of eating, he called out 'Auntie' so sweetly that the corners of Yin Zhi's mouth never lowered.

After eating, Jing Yuanzhou still instinctively didn't want to stay any longer. He saw it was almost time for a nap and said goodbye and left.

Yin Zhi followed them all the way to the gate of the community. As they left, her eyes remained stuck on Lin Yan's body for a long time and she reluctantly said, "Xiao Yan, Jing Jing usually has thin skin. As his male... cough, colleague, sometimes you should try to persuade him more. Auntie likes you. In the future, if you are free, come to Aunt's house again any time."

Lin Yan heard the words 'thin skin' and almost couldn't hold his tongue. He glanced at this man who was recognized as a 'stinky, shameless' man in the league and said, "I know Auntie. You should go back. We will come and visit you next time."

Lin Yan got into the taxi after bidding farewell to Yin Zhi and couldn't help laughing loudly. "What should I do? I think Auntie really likes me."

JIng Yuanzhou saw his somewhat proud look and couldn't help laughing. "Isn't this good?"

Lin Yan thought about it. "It's pretty good?"

There was still some distance to the railway station. Lin Yan was lowering his head to play with his phone when he noticed that Jing Yuanzhou seemed distracted while looking out the window. He blurted out, "What's wrong? Our relationship is recognized by our parents so what are you worried about?"

Jing Yuanzhou glanced over after hearing the sound. He thought about it before saying, "It isn't about this matter."

He paused a bit before lowering his voice. "If I say... I kind of want to retire, what do you think?"

Lin Yan stared at Jing Yuanzhou and answered after a moment, "How can I feel? It's naturally up to you. In any case, anything you want to do is definitely good."

"You are my boss and my boyfriend. I naturally need to ask your opinion." Jing Yuanzhou had been considering this matter for the past few days. It should've been based on his own wishes but he thought about the high transfer fee when Lin Yan signed him and the momentum just after winning the championship and he inevitably hesitated. "In this way, the position of side-laner in the team will be empty. Jian Ning is still young and it doesn't correspond to the position he is good at. He obviously isn't suitable. If you can't find the right person for a while then you can temporarily make me the substitute. It isn't too much before retirement."

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