Chapter 104

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Roser was finally dragged out with the help of QOG players.

In the whole process, Lin Yan didn't forget to face him with the mobile phone camera and show great enthusiasm, "Oh, don't be in a rush. You haven't said hello to these friends yet. Come, say 'hi' to the camera."

Roser, who was being supported by his teammates, shuddered and almost fell to the ground again. Hi? Hi your sister!

At the end of the day, Roser was only in his early 20s. He had never experienced such a 'big change' and everything happened too suddenly. Now it felt like he was in the midst of multiple thunderbolts. His entire brain was confused and he didn't know what to do for a while. He just wanted to go back to the club's management for help as soon as possible.

The entire lounge was quiet as QOG fled. The GH members were clearly taken aback by the unthinkable development. Just before entering the door, they had seen Lin Yan playing around with his phone for a long time. However, no one except for Jing Yuanzhou knew exactly what he was doing. They just heard the coach saying they would come over and their hot-headed brains caused them to follow without thinking. They hadn't expected him to have such a trick up his sleeve.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was basically going crazy. There were newcomers who entered the live broadcast room with a blank face.

[What is the situation? Didn't Titans just finish the match? Why did he suddenly start broadcasting?]

[I really didn't expect it. Fortunately, I suddenly wanted to take a look or I would've missed it!]

[Hmm? Where is this? Hasn't GH gone back yet?]

[The people who just left were QOG? What's going on? Was there a real life PK between the teams?]

Some people's focus had deviated and they were praising the Parents Love.

[Ahhhh, am I the only one who thinks that the way Titans helped block the coach just now was simply A!]

[Fuck, my husband is really an amazing boyfriend!]

[I'm sour, today's Parents Love is still good.]

[So Titans' live broadcast room was started by Coach Lin? Wait a minute, the coach has Titans's account?]

[An exchange of accounts... thank you, I'm nibbling on this again.]

Many people were digesting the information they just learned.

[What happened? Listening to the conversation just now, did this crappy QOG actually throw the games?]

[What are the officials of Burning Hot doing? No one found out about the fake matches?]

[Although... QOG doesn't seem to have directly admitted it?]

[Hah! Is there any difference between saying that BB doesn't have evidence and admitting it?]

[Thus, GH did this because they couldn't get evidence. It is very damaging.]

[Fuck your damage. Still, does the official action need to be so convoluted?]

[No wonder why I always thought the grudge between BB and QOG is strange. Now the case is solved. It is because of fake matches!]

[Therefore, BB directly scolded them during the game because he found out about all of QOG's bad things at that time? He is too miserable. He was scolded online for so long because of it.]

[It seems like it is true. The cause and effect is very complete. It is simply a history of blood and tears.]

[If this is true then it is even colder! How long has it been since that match? QOG is still playing until now?]

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