Chapter 116

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Once the players from both sides completely entered, the two commentators had completely heated up the atmosphere of the venue. The applause and cheers continued until the end.

As the last match of the regular season, the rankings at the top of the leaderboard would be officially decided. This was special in itself. Therefore, in addition to the fans of the two teams, it also attracted attention from fans of other teams.

The moment the live broadcast was turned on, the barrage scrolled wildly in an instant.

[Come on, make your bets. Guess who will win between PAY and GH?!]

[What a joke. Do you have to guess when playing PAY? GH isn't on the same level at all, okay?!]

[Don't say this. They might've lost against Three but didn't GH just win against LDF?]

[More than that, GH got the only pentakill of the season!]

[Can't Go Home team fans be a bit self-aware and not brag too much? I have seen PAY's recent matches and know how good AI is now. It would be good if GH doesn't collapse in the early stages today!]

[In fact, PAY fans shouldn't be too confident. Every year, the PAY civil war is fierce but useless. It is just an internal struggle. Once it comes to the World Competition, don't they instantly shrivel up?]

[Yes, DeMen's recent state is becoming increasingly worse and PAY still hasn't found a replacement. I think the club's management really doesn't have the ambition to win the championship.]

[What does the above person mean? What's wrong with DeMen? could PAY have gone this far today without him?]

[I'm laughing to death. Does PAY really need DeMen? I think it is because of him that PAY can't win the championship!]

[Stop making noise. I will play a war song to help you! 'Unforgivable', get ready!]

[Hahahaha, I have to praise this war song. Looking at it, it must be an old fan of the GH team.]

[Shall I add a slogan to help you? PAY, go home without worries. GH will supply your gas.]

[This passerby is laughing like crazy. Are all GH fans crosstalk major graduates?]

[It is said that fans gain the attributes of the team. I used to scoff at this but now I'm really convinced. I have to kneel down to the bigshots of the team.]

The players at the scene couldn't see the contents of the barrage and were seriously preparing. Lin Yan held a folder and stood behind them. He didn't forget to give them a reminder. "Check carefully. This is a game that can be considered as the finals. Don't let there be any problems with your equipment."

Jing Yuanzhou tried the volume of the headset. "Rest assured, we will win today."

Lin Yan inexplicably heard a different meaning from this sentence. He glanced at this figure and joked, "It seems that Captain Jing is really determined to win."

Jing Yuanzhou didn't deny it. "Yes, I will probably cry if I lose."

Lin Yan had a hard time holding back his laugh. The others didn't understand the mysterious conversation between the two and just felt bewildered.

Jian Ye thought about it before trying to comfort Jing Yuanzhou. "Captain, it doesn't have to be like this. Isn't it just the regular season? It isn't a big deal. If we don't get this second place ranking then third is also good. There is no need to give yourself too much pressure."

Bi Yaohua also helped him. "Right! Look at the children in our team. They are already satisfied to reach all this way. It isn't that we can't afford to lose. Rest assured, our tolerance is really okay. To tell you the truth, I feel that listening to the sunspots for so long doesn't hit me as hard as this one sentence from you, Captain!"

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