Chapter 17

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Jing Yuanzhou found Lin Yan leaning against the wall beside the balcony. There was a cigarette between his fingers. In the midst of the curling smoke, his eyes were slightly narrowed as he looked at the distant scenery. Occasionally, a gust of wind blew and the fire at the tail of the smoke flickered faintly. It was clearly a very faint light but it was inexplicably dazzling.

Perhaps Lin Yan heard the sound of footsteps because he glanced sideways. He didn't show a surprised expression when he saw Jing Yuanzhou. He just skillfully blew out the cigarette smoke and slowly straightened. "Smoke one?"

Jing Yuanzhou took the cigarette he handed over and placed it in his mouth. "Let me borrow your fire."

Lin Yan took out the lighter and Jing Yuanzhou leaned forward. He looked down and could see the man's eyelashes up close. The smooth, angular lines were indescribably perfect.

After lighting up the cigarette, Jing Yuanzhou leaned against the railing of the balcony and watched Lin Yan quietly for a while. Then he asked for no reason. "How are you?"

Lin Yan shook his head. "I'm fine."

The mistake just now was so obvious that the other person must've noticed it. He wasn't surprised at all. Lin Yan didn't know why Jing Yuanzhou gave up the opportunity to kill him but he was still grateful. After all, this meant he would no longer have to continue the third game. In the end, he was too blind and self-confident. He thought that the 3V3 wouldn't have much impact. Yet he was affected in less than an hour.

The feeling of coldness that shrouded him was so clear that even though his composure had gradually been restored, he still felt a trace of a cold back when the wind blew.

Lin Yan sighed gently and raised his head to meet Jing Yuanzhou. "Didn't you ask me previously why I don't play professionally?"

Jing Yuanzhou's eyes shook slightly and he didn't speak.

Lin Yan's voice entered his ears. The flat and straightforward words seemed to be talking about someone else's matter. "PTSD, which is a very common traumatic stress disorder. There is nothing wrong with my ears so normal work won't be affected. However, as long as I listen to the team voice channel in a closed environment for a long time, there will be tinnitus, auditory hallucinations and general numbness. It is like this."

As if to prove it, he lifted the hand that was inside his pocket and extended it to Jing Yuanzhou. It was noticeably smoother but he could still see the uncontrollable, slight shaking of the fingertips.

Lin Yan noticed Jing Yuanzhou's gaze. "Don't look at me like this. It isn't a big deal. It is caused by something psychological and there is no cure. So... I just can't play professionally. In fact, it is good to be a coach although I occasionally have itchy hands."

Then he laughed like it was no concern. "The situation is much better when lining up as a pair. However, the more voices there are in the voice channel, the more likely I am to be affected. I've never tried 3V3 before. Regarding today's situation, I can only say that I overestimated myself. In short, thank you God Jing for sparing me. It is estimated that I really would kneel down if I had to fight the third match. Thank you for not killing me!"

He was obviously understating it but Jing Yuanzhou felt a bitter pain in his heart. He couldn't help remembering the words Lin Yan said to Abyss and his eyes slowly lowered. This was obviously a person who was too distressing but he was always thinking about others in distress.

Before Jing Yuanzhou knew it, the cigarette in his hand was about to burn out.

Jing Yuanzhou put out the cigarette butt and threw it into the trash can next to him. He didn't continue the topic as he grabbed Lin Yan's hand and started walking. "Let's go. I was willing to lose the bet so I'll cook for you."

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