Chapter 170

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Unsurprisingly, Three's defeat caused a lot of turmoil in the circle.

Some people cared about Wuhoo's injury, some people ridiculed that it was too ugly for Group to chase three victories after losing two, and many more people expressed strong thoughts. They thought that Wuhoo was in such a poor condition yet he hadn't been replaced by the substitute. This was basically a big problem with Three's coaching staff.

In the field of e-sports, it didn't matter the excuses or reasons. They were all destined to be irrefutable in front of the final results.

Compared to the outside world, the major professional teams knew that delegating power wasn't as simple as stated on the Internet. On the contrary, Wuhoo was showing an extremely responsible performance by not letting the substitute shooter with too large a difference in strength come on to play.

Wuhoo had undoubtedly done his best for the quarter-finals. No matter whether it was for Wuhoo himself, the team or the fans, he had a clear conscience.

That night, the professional players group had a lot of messages all night. They all appeared to cheer for Three's players. On the other hand, they also cheered for the remaining two teams, expressing their absolute expectations for the follow-up competition.

The Chinese division might not have successfully occupied three seats but two teams, PAY and GH advanced. At least half the spots were occupied.

Next, everyone could only hope that there would be no in-fighting in the semi-finals.

Lin Yan and Jing Yuanzhou exchanged a few words in the group but they didn't stay up all night. They very assuredly handed over the task of comforting Wuhoo to the idler Luni and fell asleep early.

They got up early the next morning and went straight to the scene of the drawing ceremony. Compared with the many complicated situations that could occur in the quarter-finals, the situation of the semi-finals was undoubtedly much simpler.

Everyone's wish was also very simple. It would be good if there wasn't a civil war. The final grouping didn't matter. It was acceptable as long as GH and PAY could be separated.

At the drawing ceremony, Lin Yan saw KING's Song Cheng and An Seungyeob again. He raised his eyelids in a bored manner and didn't react. Fortunately, this time the other party still had some awareness and didn't rush to find them out of boredom.

Lin Yan wasn't reassured about his black hands and handed the task of the draw over to Jing Yuanzhou. The drawing officially began. Jing Yuanzhou came to the stage in front of everyone's eyes, randomly selected a ball and opened it.

The director zoomed in instantly. The grouping information was transmitted to every corner of the world through the live broadcast.

GH was Group A. The other opponent in this group was the Group team that just knocked out Three.

The semi-final match list was officially created.

Group A: GH VS Group.

Group B: PAY VS King.

The final winner of these two groups would advance to this year's global finals, competing for the championship that symbolized the highest glory.

The match for Group A was to be played first.

The process for the semi-finals was more cumbersome than the previous competition.

All the GH members got up early and got into the business car to head to the venue and make preparations ahead of time.

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