Chapter 30

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BK won the first training game but the atmosphere wasn't as relaxed as expected.

BK's shooter recalled the situation of being crushed in the bottom lane just now and wiped his sweat with some lingering fear. "I've never fought with BB before and didn't expect him to be so fierce. No wonder why people on the Internet say he is like a mad dog. It isn't just his mouth that is crazy. His operation is crazy as well."

The mid-laner spoke coldly, "Is it only their shooter that is crazy? Did you see that mid-laner? His stabs are so fast and he was almost flying! I went to the granny grey-haired person's live broadcast room last time. Wasn't he soft and well-behaved? Why does his style change so much when playing?"

Lan Min heard these words and couldn't help thinking of what he had suffered at the GH base. He muttered in a low voice, "How is he good? Nonsense!"

Ku Tianlu's road in the jungle wasn't smooth. Every time he returned to his own wild area from ganking, it wasn't an exaggeration to describe it as 'not a single grass is growing' as all the mobs were gone. "Don't say it. The jungle also isn't easy to fight. It is worthy of being the genius rookie from the training camp! At that time, the opportunity was grasped, tut! Thanks to Captain Jing dragging out the rhythm, he almost took our jungle as his home!"

The support felt doubtful. "What genius rookie?"

Ku Tianlu cleared his throat. "Nothing. After this round, you must've found that GH's strength isn't something that you can handle casually. Raise your energy and prepare for the next round!"

Some of their strategies weren't intended to be used in this type of training match but it was obvious that they must play with the serious attitude of dealing with professional league teams.

Lan Min stretched his body for a while and asked objectively, "I still struggle to face Master. Captain, do you think..."

Ku Tianlu knew what this person wanted to ask. He nodded and said, "Yes."

They officially entered the BP link for the second game.

Lin Yan glanced at the other team's row of IDs and his tone was calm and firm. "They are ready to switch lanes."

The so-called change in lanes meant switching the side lane player and the shooter's positions.

After all, the person currently playing the side lane was the former captain of BK, Jing Yuanzhou. In a situation where all their routines were already known, changing lanes was indeed a wise choice. In this way, it meant Bi Yaohua would face Lan Min while Jing Yuanzhou would deal with BK's shooter and support combination.

This statement was entirely based on personal inference but the GH members trusted the coach and had no doubts.

Bi Yaohua smiled. "It's switched and I will meet that Lan rabbit?"

Jing Yuanzhou was very clear about what BK would be like after the lane switch and declared, "It isn't a good thing. It will definitely affect your economy."

The shooter was the main output of the team. If the early development was lagging then it would have a great impact on the entire team. Lin Yan pondered on it for a bit. He felt it wasn't very cost-effective for them and made a quick decision. "We will switch it."

He had this in mind while guiding everyone to make hero changes. He adjusted the strategy in response to the problems in the previous game.

Among the several plans that had been prepared, the BB system with the shooter as the core lane had been tried. Now he needed to collect data feedback on the other tactics. "For this one, Gun Zai will go with Abyss to invade the opposite side's jungle. Harvest a wave of mobs and then start to preserve Gloy's development."

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