Chapter 26

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They went all the way back to the hotel and finished packing up. Then on the way back to the club, the members of the team didn't stay close to one another and slept in the car.

Jing Yuanzhou wasn't too sleepy. He sat in the back row and watched Lin Yan in the passenger seat through the rearview mirror. The latter inadvertently raised his head to meet Jing Yuanzhou's gaze before glancing away.

Jian Ye was obviously tired from playing the solo game. The car soon filled with his snoring sounds. It rose and fell and was quite rhythmic. Chen Yushen frowned deeply and had sleepy eyes as he lowered the cap on his head even further.

The journey passed in such a lively yet quiet atmosphere. By the time they returned to the base's dormitory, it was late at night. The group of people rubbed their messy hair and drifted back to their rooms like ghosts.

Jing Yuanzhou took a shower when he came back. He came out of the bathroom and took a look at the time on his phone. Then he opened the door and saw light still leaking from the crack in the door on the opposite side.

Sure enough, he guessed right. Someone was still doing the replay overnight while everyone else was sleeping at ease. Lin Yan's temperament meant he wasn't willing to miss any tactical information that could be used by the team, even if they were opponents from the secondary league. His words were obviously more arrogant than anyone else's, but in fact, no one took it more seriously than him.

The hard work of e-sports players was well known. After all, they were in front of the stage and they never lacked the distress and concern of the fans. In contrast, the coaches supporting them behind the scenes were always ignored. They might be unknown but the sweat of the existences behind the scenes were no less than that of professional players. Sometimes it was even more.

Jing Yuanzhou wiped the drops of water on his hair. He poured himself a cup of coffee downstairs and knocked on the door opposite his. After a moment, the door opened and Lin Yan looked at him. "Is there something?"

Perhaps it was because his falling bangs kept getting in the way. At this time, he had tied it up in front of his forehead with a hair tie and there was an inexplicable cuteness. Jing Yuanzhou couldn't help but take several looks before he remembered to pass over the coffee. "Are you replaying it?"

He had just finished taking a shower so there was the faint smell of shower gel around him.

Lin Yan looked down at the cup in his hand. "Yes, I'm taking advantage of when my memory is still good to sort it out."

"Discuss it?"

Lin Yan looked at the expression on his face before turning to the side. "Come in."

The corners of Jing Yuanzhou's mouth curved up in an imperceptible arc.

After entering the room, Lin Yan casually pulled out a chair for Jing Yuanzhou to sit down. Then he sat back at the table.

He clocked the mouse a few times and opened several documents on the computer desktop. "I have watched all the solo games today. It isn't surprising that many of them have hidden their true skills in many ways. However, I have gone through it frame by frame and carefully dug out the details. It is obvious that these teams have improved a lot after the end of the secondary league, especially IBB and QU. They might be secondary league teams but several players have definitely reached the level of the professional league..."

His attitude when speaking like this was completely different from his casual tone during the day. His business-like manner and the look on his face added an indescribable feeling. It was like...

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