Chapter 119

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[Fuck, that last wave of team battle was simply explosive!]

[I can't say that PAY had a problem when playing. It is mainly that GH's lineup restrained them too much.]

[BO1 is good at this. It doesn't give the other side a chance to react at all.]

[Isn't GH just full of tricks?]

[Oh, the sunspot in front should rest okay. Why don't you say that other teams are full of tricks when they win?]

[Yes, winning is winning. Don't look for other reasons to hurt. I just want to ask if your face hurts!]

[First they won against LDF and now PAY. GH wants to directly reach the top this season!]

[They should be the strongest dark horse in history. No one should have an opinion of this, right?]

[The Go Home team is really awesome! Really awesome! From the players to the coach, they are awesome in every sense!]

[Previously, I didn't quite understand the meaning of a coach to the team. Now I feel that Coach Lin's tactical system is simply superb...]

[Wait, the regular season is over with this match, right? What is GH's final ranking? I think it should be second?]

[I really fucking can't help it! I want milk even if it is poisonous milk! The Milk Home team will set up a new dynasty!]

The barrage of the live broadcast room scrolled frantically. It was hard to see the specific content of the screen unless they blocked it.

On camera, the players of both teams stood up after finishing the match.

At first, the soundproof headphones meant they didn't notice the atmosphere in the venue. Once they were taken off, everyone in GH couldn't help being shocked by the neat and unified cheers of the audience.

Bi Yaohua was the first to get his voice back. "Um... I remember we should've just finished the regular season, right? Why is the audience so excited?"

Jian Ye agreed with this. "Fuck, I almost wondered if we were playing the finals."

Jing Yuanzhou pushed back his gaming chair. He was obviously in a good mood from the tone of his voice. "No, this win is more meaningful than the finals."

Everyone in GH glanced over doubtfully. "Huh?"

"Nothing." Jing Yuanzhou glanced in the direction of the audience in an expressionless manner before turning around. "Let's go and shake hands with PAY."

As the loser, PAY was much quieter than the GH team. There was nothing to say during the entire handshake process. Both sides ended the process very politely and with great restraint.

The MVP of this match was finally given to Jing Yuanzhou. Chen Yushen and Bi Yaohua's roaming did bring about a good rhythm in the later stages but Jing Yuanzhou had played an indispensable pillar role in the team, whether it was the early laning process or the subsequent team battle.

The interview process was very simple. He briefly reviewed the course of the regular season and looked forward to the performance in the subsequent playoffs. Then the host asked the customary final question before the official conclusion. "Then Titans, is there anything you want to say to the audience?"

"Thank you very much for your support of GH along the way. I am very happy that our performance can be worthy of this heavy support. In the subsequent playoffs, we will try to do our best." Jing Yuanzhou looked up at the camera. "I have nothing else in particular that I want to say. However, I want to take this rare opportunity to talk about a private matter."

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