Chapter 74

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In the live broadcast rooms, the servers were ready. Still, even if they had been prepared early, five live broadcasts starting at the same time and the influx of traffic almost made the screen freeze. It was enough to see their high popularity.

However, this type of popularity obviously didn't come from the fans of the team. There were also the sunspots who flocked to it.

Originally, the room managers in each live broadcast room were ready to fight the sunspots. Then once the live broadcast officially started, they were surprised to find that the situation of the barrage was better than expected. There was some cynicism from time to time but the content was relatively optimistic.

Among the five live broadcast rooms, there was no doubt that Jing Yuanzhou was the most popular, followed by Bi Yaohua. Both of them belonged to very different styles of live broadcasting.

Lin Yan had nothing to do. He sat on the sofa with his mobile and wandered between the players' live broadcast rooms. The moment he entered Jing Yuanzhou's live broadcast room, the content of the barrage attracted attention.

[Ahhh, Husband. You are finally live!]

[Where is Coach Lin? Today you are playing a team of five. Didn't the coach come to arrange the BP?]

[Yes, every game should be taken seriously. Asking the coach to show his face.]

[This is a letter written in my blood asking my parents to show love online. Recently, neither of you have appeared and it is as lonely as snow.]

[Husband and wife uniting is profitable. I want to see the power of love. Bravely go forward.]

[At such an important moment, how can the coach not be here?]

[What type of hero will God Jing use today? I won't go to other people's live broadcast rooms. I will wait here.]

[Beep—technique fan card!]

Originally, the two of them were only doing business online and Lin Yan didn't feel anything. Now he and Jing Yuanzhou had formally established a relationship. He looked at the barrage and couldn't help his cheeks feeling slightly hot. It was clear that no one was paying attention to him but he couldn't help clearing his throat.

Just then, he heard Jing Yuanzhou explain, "We have been busy training these days so I haven't been broadcasting. In particular, Coach Lin is really tired. It is hard for him to rest so he will appear this afternoon."

The words were just an ordinary explanation but people who wanted to pick up sugar thought that everything was sweet. The moment he finished speaking, the barrage scrolled quickly across the screen.

The man's voice came through the earbuds as if whispering to him. Lin Yan felt that his ears were getting hotter. His fingertips rubbed against the phone screen twice before staying still. Then he moved his fingers and smashed several deep-water fish mines in one breath in the live broadcast room.

Jing Yuanzhou was slightly stunned when he saw the reward banner that suddenly floated past. He seemed to want to look back in Lin Yan's direction but he finally held back. He just gave a low chuckle. "Thank you Who Isn't a Little Princess for the deep-water fish mines."

The entire barrage was quite for a moment before it seemed like the rat's nest had been stung. The screen was completely covered with 'ahhhh'. There was a commotion but the team game was proceeding step by step. Soon, the five people entered the group battle interface neatly and started the first game of the afternoon.

The five people's live broadcasts started simultaneously so people could watch according to their own preferences. People jumped back and forth from different positions one after another and the live broadcast rooms were lively.

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