Chapter 118

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The bottom lane escaped from death while there was an outbreak of heads in the middle lane. DeMen might've pulled out at the right time but the GH trio pushed down the middle tower. Anyone who had played this 5V5 game knew how important this defense tower was for an overall view of the map. Once it was broken, the negative impact on PAY was undoubtedly huge.

[Fuck, GH was really decisive in this wave! They took down a tower directly and this is giving PAY a run for their money!]

[AI lost. BB must be a roach. He didn't die after all that. I really believe in his evil!]

[Mainly, it's because Gloy's big move was really beautiful!]

[Indeed, he received a head and helped clear the line simultaneously. If that wave of economy hadn't upgraded him to level 6, BB would've probably died.]

[I don't know what to say. I feel like I haven't seen AI suffer such grievances while ganking for a long time.]

[Hahaha, indeed. He didn't kill BB and lost the mid-laner and tower. This is really wronging him.]

After this wave of gains, GH suddenly rose in strength.

It didn't matter how strong AI was. Without the vision of the middle tower, his rhythm was limited. In addition, Bi Yaohua had reached level 6 and would be even more difficult to gank. Any player with even a small knowledge of the game could realize that the following period of time would be an opportunity for GH to reverse the situation.

In this regard, GH was naturally clearer about it. Lin Yan had repeatedly reminded them when discussing the lineup that they should pay attention to grasping this critical period.

Chen Yushen quickly signaled to the middle and bottom respectively. "AI might go here. Be careful."

Since Lin Yan opened up his mind, Chen Yushen was never tangled up in the specific problem of where AI might appear. He gave a reminder of all the possible gank locations and rushed to the top lane without hesitation. At the bottom lane, Jian Ye replied, "Understood." Then he escorted Bi Yaohua, who had run out of mana, back to the town to get equipment.

Before long, AI's figure did appear in the middle lane. In order to guard against being ganked, Gu Luo cleared the line of soldiers from a long distance and didn't dare go out too far. It was just that the position where AI appeared was a bit too tricky and it completely blocked Gu Luo's retreat.

If Gu Luo had been using the assassin type mages he was good at then he might be able to fight back. However, the hero for this game was limited. In this case, he could only release one wave of skills before his health bar emptied.

After forcibly consuming some of AI's health and mana, he withdrew all the way. Still, he couldn't avoid the fate of being killed by the tower. AI took a head and jumped back to the upper half of GH's jungle area, telling DeMen, "Get ready, I'm going up."

DeMen was about to respond when he saw the exclamation mark flashing above his head. He exclaimed in a low voice, "Don't come!"

A hint of surprise flashed in AI's eyes. He looked up and saw two figures suddenly appear out of thin air on the lane that was originally 1V1. Chen Yushen and BB performed a big change. They didn't give DeMen a chance to react and swarmed to complete the kill.

Jing Yuanzhou took the line of soldiers and pressed forward. "Push the tower."

[Fuck, when did BB run to the top road?]

[So when he returned to town to make up his equipment, he was ready to go to the top road to catch people?]

[I seem to suddenly see the essence of the Go Home team's lineup...]

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