Chapter 167

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Lin Yan's performance in the first two games were very outstanding but since he didn't play in the third game, the final MVP was given to Jing Yuanzhou. During the interview, the host routinely asked a few questions related to the competition and Jing Yuanzhou responded very officially.

In the face of this old player, the host knew he wouldn't be able to get any exciting news. Thus, he flipped through the cards and simply chose a question that everyone was very curious about. "Today in the match, GH showed absolute strength against Win but didn't choose to continue it. Instead, you changed players in the third game. Was there a special purpose behind this decision?"

Jing Yuanzhou answered, "It's nothing. We just wanted to change it."

The host felt choked up but still maintained a smile as he continued on this track. "We thought that since this is the quarter-finals, every deployment should be carefully considered?"

Jing Yuanzhou looked up at the camera. "If I had to say a reason, perhaps we wanted to let Win know that every one of our players is very strong."

The interview content was spread to every corner of the world through the live broadcast and was accompanied by translations in various languages.

The grudge between Win and the Chinese division had been heard by all the major regions. In particular, there was no one who didn't know that Nilay was always targeting Jing Yuanzhou, the world's top side-laner.

Now the core of 3:0 could be said to block the mouth of the entire South Korean division.

It wasn't until this time when they looked back that they were surprised to realize all the so-called grudges had been one-sided cues from the Win team. As for GH, whether it was the players or the PR department, did they really care about Win?

It was as Jing Yuanzhou said. GH was very strong. Every player, even their coach, was strong. It didn't matter if it was Lin Yan's absolute crushing in the first two games or Bi Yaohua's decisive victory in the third game. GH didn't leave any chance for WIn to fight back. As a result, all the excuses Win might've found were blocked ahead of time.

Since the beginning of the quarter-finals, the organizations arranged post-match interviews for every knock-out match. The first ones to appear in front of the camera were the defeated Win players.

Compared with their confidence before the match, there was now only depression and frustration on the young faces. In fact, it wasn't just the audience. Even Win didn't expect that for their first appearance on the world stage, they would leave in such an ugly manner. Under the repeated flashing lights, some of the players couldn't help burying their faces and silently choking up.

In front of the camera, the red-headed Nilay gritted his teeth as he stood in line with the other Win team members and bowed to the fans who supported them. In the face of such pure failure, all explanations and arguments undoubtedly paled in comparison.

Win's post-match interview unfolded in the midst of such fanfare but they left quietly.

No matter how much the public loved a face slapping scene, the defeated party was the defeated party after all. The reporters at the scene couldn't get too excited about Win when they thought about the upcoming interview with GH.

In today's game, GH's performance could be said to be full of gimmicks.

In the previous interviews, Lin Yan's figure couldn't be seen at all. Therefore, all reporters were looking forward to it while hoping to dig out some materials in the past-match interview. The moment the members of GH appeared, the scene was completely engulfed in blinding flashes of light.

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