Chapter 159

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Back at the clubhouse, everyone almost turned the box upside down but there were still no signs of the wallet. Lin Yan asked, "BB, where else have you been this evening beside the box?"

Bi Yaohua was completely sober now. However, he really couldn't remember what happened when he was dizzy from drinking. He tried to think against the pain from his head and was still a bit dazed. "I don't remember..."

The group was silent.

Jing Yuanzhou suggested, "Ask the management of the club to adjust the surveillance to take a look."

The staff members of the clubhouse were very enthusiastic. After knowing what happened and asking the management, they led the group to the surveillance room. The GH members nervously gathered around the screen, exhausting their ability to observe the overall situation on the field in order to not miss a trace.

Judging from the surveillance, Bi Yaohua rarely left the box. The most was when he came out to find the waiter and ask for a fruit platter. Then he went to the small supermarket to replenish the stock of snacks. There was only one route back and forth and they didn't see anything falling out of his pocket on the way.

Jian Ye stared at the screen for too long and rubbed his somewhat sore eyes. "It is strange. It can't fly away on its own wings."

Lin Yan frowned. He was just about to ask something when he heard Gu Luo next to him call out, "Brother Trash Talk, weren't you hit by someone when we came back from the bathroom?"

This made Bi Yaohua finally remember. He hit his thigh heavily. "Yes yes yes! I didn't pay much attention to it because there were too many people. Perhaps it was at that time!"

The staff member asked them about the approximate time and place. Then he quickly helped them switch the surveillance to the area of the first floor gate. Soon, Bi Yaohua appeared in the picture. He was seen staggering out with Gu Luo and just happened to face the crowd of people who were pouring it. Then he bumped into one of them.

After a moment, the crowd dispersed. Their eyes swept across the ground that was empty after everyone left. Their vision dimmed but there were still no traces of the wallet.

Gu Luo was at a loss. "...So it wasn't at this time."

Bi Yaohua didn't speak and just frowned. It wasn't known what he thought of but he suddenly said, "Manager Luo, can you ask this brother to replay that part just now?"

Luo Mo didn't know the intention of doing this but he relayed the request in Korean. During the replay of the clip, Bi Yaohua called out to stop it. He stared at the still picture for a while before asking, "Can you zoom in? To the maximum degree possible please."

The equipment was high-end. The moment Luo Mo conveyed it, the staff member quickly completed the operation. Moments later, the man in the cap appeared in the center of the camera.

Jian Ye stared at this masked face and was confused. "Is there something wrong with this man, Brother Trash Talk?"

Bi Yaohua frowned thoughtfully but didn't speak. It could only be said that the mask was covering the face too tightly. The blurred pixels after zooming in made it even more difficult to see the appearance. Even so, the more he looked, the more he felt a sense of familiarity.

He was racking his brains and about to give up when something flashed through his mind. It gradually blended with the figure in his memories and Bi Yaohua almost jumped up on the spot. "Fuck, what a dog!"

Gu Luo looked over suspiciously. "Brother Trash Talk, do you know someone in South Korea?"

"What South Korea? This is Roser! It is Roser, that son of a bitch!" Bi Yaohua gritted his teeth. "What a good guy. He did it deliberately. He wore a hat, a mask and changed his whole hair color and hair style! It was probably to prevent me from recognizing him. He deliberately waited for me!"

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