Chapter 53

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As the countdown to the live broadcast began, everyone went to the waiting room. On the way, they saw the members of the LARK team in the distance. Their poor performance during the mid-season meant there weren't too many smiles on their faces. The players might have received makeup but their tiredness was still visible to the naked eye. The GH players saw them and couldn't help sighing inwardly.

Jing Yuanzhou wasn't familiar with the LARK members but there had been a few occasional meetings. Before the game started, he went over alone to greet them. The others went to the player seats that belonged to their team and waited for the show to start.

They saw Jing Yuanzhou talking to the captain of the LARK team and their expressions were complicated. In fact, they really sympathized with the LARK team's experience. Then they thought about warming up against a relegation team of the professional league and immediately discounted this sympathy.

Gu Luo couldn't help looking at the time again. "Why haven't we started yet? If we don't start soon... I want to go to the bathroom again."

Chen Yushen told him, "Don't run around. Just stay here."

Jian Ye also looked back at Gu Luo's face. "Didn't you just go to the bathroom? You want to go again? I haven't seen you like this before. Why are you so nervous today?"

Gu Luo replied in a dull voice, "I'm fine. In addition, Brother Gun, I don't believe you aren't nervous at all."

Jian Ye cleared his throat. "After all, it is the finals. There is a bit of nervousness but it can be adjusted."

Gu Luo secretly rubbed his sweaty palms together before finally expressing his worries, "In fact, it's nothing. The main reason I'm afraid is that what will the captain do if I don't play well? There is also Brother Trash Talk who is also from the professional league. It is bad enough that they have to accompany us to play this type of variety show competition. If we fail to win the championship... or even if we win the championship, if we lose to LARK and cause them to be ridiculed..."

He probably didn't dare think about it anymore and fell silent.

Bi Yaohua, the incomparably wronged existence in Gu Luo's mouth was quite calm in contrast. "You don't need to worry about it. It is fine as long as I have a place to play the game. If we can win then we will win. If we lose then I will find an opportunity to play in the secondary league. What is the big deal? This isn't to comfort you. It is just not as tragic as you said. It isn't as if there is no way out, Gloy."

Lin Yan was originally sitting to the side and finishing the tactics. He heard this and felt a bit unwilling to listen. "Who is making trouble again? Where is the fighting spirit I gave you just now? Why are you thinking more and more when coming to the field? It is all the same. Just hit them hard. The idea of retreating isn't something you need to consider at all."

He gently tapped on the page with his fingers and laughed. "In addition, there is really nothing to consider. If you lose then you can do whatever you want. I'm different! I am losing money. You don't know how expensive Titans is. It isn't as if there is no way out? What nonsense! I will make it so there is no way out! You better fight well or else... hehe, if I really lose my money then I will pack all of you one by one and sell you to the live broadcast platform."

Jing Yuanzhou heard his name without warning the moment he came back to the player seats. He looked down at Lin Yan and wondered, "What's wrong with me? Where are you going to sell me to?"

Lin Yan hadn't expected this person to come back so quickly and couldn't help choking on the water he just delivered to his mouth. He quickly waved his hand. "No... cough, I didn't mean to sell you! I can afford your worth! Be quiet for me and don't think about going anywhere!"

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